Example sentences of "[noun] they [vb base] for the " in BNC.

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1 With their eyes erect and fear in their speed they run for the safety of the waves .
2 But the more closely historians examine the seventeenth century , the more precedents they find for the innovations associated with the name of Peter the Great .
3 The report says : ‘ Few pupils have the basic books they require for the GCSE without financial support from home .
4 Lance Gardner , who works at the Castlefields Health Centre , Runcorn , in Cheshire , says the arrangement should give nurses the recognition they deserve for the work they do .
5 During the inquiry they ask for the electronic serial number of the mobile phone which is then used for the illegal duplication of the phone unit .
6 The exercises are aimed at a common denominator of concerns amongst secondary school staff but their value lies , not in specific content , but in the process they demonstrate for the structuring of discussion .
7 I 'm in London I 'm in the nick I 'm in fucking Paddington Green for Christ 's sake , the high-security station they use for the Provos and they think I 'm so dangerous so much a security risk they 've got me here and even holding me under the Prevention of Terrorism Act Jesus God because some of them still are n't convinced they are n't dealing with some unholy alliance of the IRA , Welsh Nationalists and uppity jocks .
8 The service they perform for the beetles could hardly be more intimate .
9 Things they want for the Christmas party ?
10 In practical terms they call for the government to help buy and protect the Mar Lodge Estate — 77 000 acre plot of land in the Cairngorms which has been up for sale since May .
11 The bags were of that thinner kind of plastic they use for the bags that they give away at the supermarket , the free ones ; and now one of the bags in her right hand split and she just stood there helpless to stop them as three cans fell out and rolled across the concrete .
12 These data are of interest not only because of the support they provide for the cohort model , but also because of a more general point they make about cognition , namely , that we must make a clear distinction between the sequence of processing stages and the accessibility of these stages for consciousness , or for the control of responses .
13 They 've got a double decker they use for the school run and that is absolutely on it 's last legs by the look of it !
14 I was just looking at some of the prices they want for the property .
15 Doctors at the Johns Hopkins medical school in Baltimore say that after intensive tests they believe for the first time the Aids virus had been eradicated from the patient 's body before he died from a separate lymphoma cancer .
16 Unlike most animals , mussels do not expend energy searching for food They wait for the tides and currents to bring it to them .
17 The common ancestry of the structuralists lies in the theoretical form they construe for the objects they analyse .
18 How would they like a stranger to be in control of the way they look for the next six months ? ’
19 In fact they pay for the sort of thing they used to skive out of when they were at school . ’
20 Having regard to the doubts already expressed on the advisability of placing entire reliance on the automatic functioning of such systems , it is suggested that the facilities they provide for the application of water might be adapted to perform the additional role of fixed fire fighting equipment .
21 They are often used in the paints they mix for the illuminated manuscripts . ’
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