Example sentences of "[noun] that have make [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Practice that had made these things second nature to the T'ang .
2 Perhaps that is one of the safeguards that has made this country such a successful and stable parliamentary democracy .
3 The technical trick that has made cheap laser-printers possible has also brought type design and typesetting to a far wider market .
4 Mary Hammond-Heath had distinguished herself as junior to a QC in a fraud case that had made national headlines , and was inclined to regard the Bouveries ' life as an excellent test case for some of her theories .
5 There have been few serious attempts to break away from this restrictive framework ; it is the absence of the application of any theoretical framework that has made such work so sterile , and it is doubtful whether evidence will be found for the social and economic developments during the period by studying art-styles , date and distribution alone , unless specific questions are formulated first .
6 It had a breathless untidiness , with an underlying stratum of solid good things : expensive carpets and curtains in dark plain colours , antique furniture ranging from valuable to junk , but having in common a charm or whimsicality that had made each piece claim her attention originally .
7 If you have ever lamented the biscuit tin school of architecture that has made many of our towns and cities depressingly alike , take a look at the Omani buildings .
8 The patient , domestic acts performed in this country of fogs and mists that had made English murderers the doyens of the civilized globe .
9 Donkeys saluted our passing with those howls of anguish that had made maiden ladies establish animal sanctuaries in Cairo between the wars .
10 It is this complicated self-regulatory process that has made such a profound impression on the Gaianists ; i.e. the notion that living matter itself both defines and maintains the conditions necessary for survival , and that the chief physical features of the Earth are biologically controlled .
11 It has been a lack of progress on other fundamental changes in society that has made effective implementation of either programme so difficult .
12 The smooth pillars which support it in the centre have capitals of a style that has made some art historians suppose that they may originally have come from the Roman villa or palace presumed to have existed on this site in the fourth century .
13 ‘ Marstons must realise that it is the skills and enterprise of the licensees that have made these pubs so popular , ’ said branch spokesman Robert Whatley .
14 The first is the launch by Corin of a revolutionary universal hip that enables surgeons to tailor hip replacements to the patient , whilst the second is the advance by AEA of a technique for measuring bone density that has made early detection of bone wastage possible for the first time .
15 Mr Coleridge inherits a market that has made some sensible moves to improve its competitive edge .
16 The paper by Wells reports some findings from a British longitudinal study of child language acquisition that has made extensive naturalistic recordings of adults and children 's speech both at home and school .
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