Example sentences of "[noun] that have [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That unhinging extended back at least as far as the Japanese attack on the American fleet at Pearl Harbor in December 1941 , a crisis which allowed Franklin Roosevelt finally to break free from the congressional restraints on executive action that had been operative in the inter war period .
2 We shall continue to put pressure on local authorities with stock that has been empty for more than a year .
3 8. ‘ … are the only organizations that have been able to do what they do at all , even though it might seem that what they do is not that difficult or mysterious a thing ’ .
4 But my experience is also , if we 'd bought the books that had been printed neighbours in the first place , no one would have noticed the difference .
5 He built his shed which , made as it was of old floorboards from a couple of hovels that had been empty for years , resembled a shack .
6 We move on next day over hard packed snow that has been wind-blown into flutes and columns .
7 But there was humour in her tone , and a sparkle in her lovely eyes , and the mouth that had been unhappy for so long now curved in a smile .
8 For Said , the problem amounts simply to historicism and , the universalising and self-validating that has been endemic to it' :
9 It quite frequently happens that a horse that has been used to drinking out of a dam or stream , will always refuse water from a trough or bucket , irrespective of how thirsty it may be .
10 It was less crowded at the rear of the room and he thought of pausing there , where he could watch la Principessa and still draw a breath of air that was not perfumed half to death , but then he patted the slender cigar in the breast pocket of the dinner-jacket that had been hand-tailored to fit his sinew-hardened body and decided that only a whiff of tobacco would fully cleanse his nostrils of the mix of scents that hung in the over-heated room .
11 The trend towards equality of attainment is especially marked in schools that have been comprehensive for a long time .
12 He spelt out a clear conception of force as the cause of acceleration rather than motion , a conception that had been present in a somewhat confused way in the writings of Galileo and Kepler .
13 When I was approached over Westland , it was by some of the banks and institutions that had been involved in the John Brown affair .
14 In 1963 , Butler and Stokes began a series of surveys which set a new pattern , and a new standard , for the study of voting behaviour in Britain : their sample was large , nation-wide , and was interviewed several times between 1963 and 1970 ; and the authors were concerned to apply a rigour that had been absent from most of the earlier single constituency studies of electoral choice .
15 His social and economic situation continues to be regulated by the kind of disciplines that have been familiar to successive generations of workers on the land — ; poverty , the lack of alternative employment opportunities , the intense localism , the dependency for jobs and housing on local farmers .
16 Elsewhere he referred to it as ‘ developing socialism ’ , differentiating it from the ‘ developed socialism ’ that was supposed to have been constructed in the Brezhnev era and still more so from the utopian vision of a society rapidly advancing towards full communism that had been current in the Khrushchev years .
17 On that second and final dinner of the conference — most guests were expected to disperse after lunch the following day — the company had lost much of the reserve that had been noticeable throughout the previous days .
18 The software houses that have been slow to see the way the wind was blowing and have hardly started recasting their applications for Unix .
19 It was woven to represent a field that had been horse-ploughed in the old narrow stetches .
20 Authorities that have been rate-capped and lost grant have had to cut services or put off planned improvements .
21 Prescriptives , an American range that has been available here for 10 years , offers a unique collection of very wearable , natural colours .
22 Finally , there are a few killers that have been able to develop a special tolerance for certain poisons , enabling them to eat the noxious prey without ill-effects .
23 The evidence from the few areas that have been bored or surveyed geophysically supports this view , but other evidence does not fit so well .
24 Despite all of these changes , the leaders of the change effort consciously supported and maintained those values and ways of work that had been productive in the past , such as joint consultation with the unions .
25 Rats that had been pre-exposed to a tone were trained on a task in which presses on a lever in the presence of the tone yielded reward but responses in the absence of the tone did not .
26 In their experiment , rats that have been pre-exposed to a noise prior to noise-shock conditioning trials showed latent inhibition in that , on a final test session , the noise elicited only a weak CR .
27 Yet half the names could not leave even if they wanted to : they are locked into the 58 ( out of a total of 401 ) Lloyd 's syndicates that have been unable to close one or more of their past annual accounts , so unquantifiable are the liabilities stacking up against them .
28 Gen Noriega 's provocations may simply have accelerated a plan that had been ready to be unleashed at any time .
29 He enclosed the green that had been open to the villagers for years , and he bought up Hooper 's farm just to tack on his land , this land you 're living on . ’
30 Being one of those select few companies that have been able to secure access to initial deliveries of Texas Instruments Inc 's SuperSparc RISC processor ( UX No 384 ) , it is understood that ICL last week totted up numbers required by its various departments and placed its order with TI for the part , which will feature in the DRS6000 workstation range from the fourth quarter .
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