Example sentences of "[noun] that [vb base] within [art] " in BNC.

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1 The host of different beings attributed with consciousness that exist within the Chewong universe have structurally similar qualities to humans .
2 Differentiation refers to the different relationships , departments and goals that exist within an organisation and integration is the degree of co-ordination and co-operation between different departments with inter-departmental tasks .
3 Again , it is not totally inappropriate that this sort of overlap should exist since RMI must build upon the data that exist within the service ; it can not be separate and unrelated to that which currently exists .
4 As Ayer said , ‘ what is required to verify a statement about a material thing is never the occurrence of precisely this or precisely that sense-content , but only the occurrence of one or other of the sense-contents that fall within a fairly indefinite range ’ ( Ayer , 1946 , p. 12 ) .
5 We have a vetting panel which looks at all the vacancies that arise within the City Council , and decides whether it really is necessary to fill the job , or whether we can actually erm reorganize things and deliver the service with fewer people , so we are very conscious of the need to make sure that
6 Thus , the draftsman should be especially careful before embarking on a long list of matters that fall within a particular covenant .
7 And , with barely even the most basic of medicines available , each day these children are prone to the countless diseases and infections that flourish within the grimy water around them .
8 The counselling task is not only to understand what each individual is saying , but also to spot the differences , the possible areas of friction and incompatibility that exist within the family , and then to interpret and explain these to the family group .
9 But since it does make sense we can employ arguments from analogy to answer factual questions that arise within the language-game .
10 It would enclose within it , a traditional economic development strategy for the work this Committee 's helping , but it should look in a wider issue , and seek to influence wider , wider things that happen within the county .
11 It is well known , indeed , that Charles Darwin accepted these Lamarckian notions , but what Lamarckism stands for today is the notion that adaptive changes that occur within an animal 's own lifetime somehow are imprinted upon the genome and thus become part of its heritage .
12 The right hon. Gentleman is alluding to the arrangements for the support of students in higher education that apply within the European Community .
13 In trying to accomplish these ends , a president is dependent on the services of senior White House staff and the agencies that fall within the Executive Office of the President .
14 The algae that live within the coral polyps are then shaded out , and the coral dies .
15 That w that is exactly at twenty five , and that is allowing a doubling of the housing area to allow for all the other features that come within the new settlement .
16 One thing to be said of that is that it does not at all follow , from the fact that we can not give particular descriptions of items that fall within a set , that we can not satisfactorily conceive of and describe the set .
17 Culture will specify the relations that exist within the organisation and define what is to count as legitimate or illegitimate behaviour .
18 Atlantic storm petrels Hydrobates pelagicus and Leach 's storm petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa are temperate species that breed within the arctic fringe only in Iceland and Labrador .
19 Agreements that fall within the ambit of Article 85 are investigated by the Commission on the receipt of a complaint and/or request for exemption .
20 From these data it will be possible to examine the social structure and processes that occur within a particular industry .
21 In this chapter we link the discussion of bureaucracy to the wider concern with formal organisations in general and examine the formal relations , structures and processes that exist within an organisation .
22 Carnival co-ordinator Malcolm Vincent and his team are keen to encourage support from the villages that come within the Alton Lions ' service area .
23 iv ) company-specific factors : include such variables as : organisation size and degree of centralisation ; official purchase decision-making procedures and processes ; role of buying department and other buying process roles ; means of resolving conflicts or differences that appear within the Decision Making Unit during the buying decision-making process .
24 It is now possible to buy fax systems that run within the word-processing applications to enable faxes to be sent and received on personal computers or work stations .
25 Alternatively , for distribution which requires very precise targeting , CACI lists the streets that fall within the specific ACORN neighbourhoods .
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