Example sentences of "[noun] that [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 By manipulating the number of days in the intercalary month they could prolong a term of office or hasten an election , with the result that by the time of Julius Caesar the civil year was about three months out of phase with the astronomical year , so that the winter months fell in the autumn and the spring equinox came in the winter .
2 Good friends from the start , as well as matchless needlers of each other and trigger-happy competitors , they put together such a record of collisions and accidents and general ‘ brouhaha that by the time I reached the FI scene , both were considered as ‘ wild men ’ who needed some settling down .
3 Accordingly , it may be the case that by the time this book is in your hands departments may have new names and policy responsibilities may have been moved from one department to another .
4 I would bet you any money that by the time you receive this reply your pool will have cleared of its own accord .
5 It did not help matters that about the time Rowell 's rather reluctant jab at some New Zealand rugby habits was being published it occupied space beside reports that the All Blacks had been over-vigorous — and sometimes over-the-top — in their match against New South Wales at Sydney .
6 It was symptomatic of the British approach to the whole question that at the time the Act took effect no one knew , even to an approximation , how many data users were going to be required to register .
7 ( 6 ) Mark any point that at the time of perusing the abstracted deed does not appear clear to you by scoring the margin heavily against your note , or in any other manner that will catch your attention .
8 She looked like a refugee from one of those films that at the time constantly glamourized the Paris left bank — like Audrey Hepburn in Funny Face or Juliet Greco in so many roles .
9 But in the ensuing duet for Balstrode and Grimes , this motif gets so entangled with Grimes 's personal strife and obstinate nature that by the time the " Storm " interlude itself begins ( with a variant of the fugue subject ) we may genuinely wonder whether the hurricane is not as much an inward as an outward affair .
10 This practice of marking searches , requisitions , etc , should be an invariable one for three reasons : ( 1 ) it compels you to consider each question and reply before marking it ; ( 2 ) it will save your time in selecting answers that require further action , and will avoid your reading through the enquiries again later on to make sure that the replies to them are in order ; and ( 3 ) it is a permanent record that at the time of the transaction you not only made your search , etc , but duly considered and dealt with the replies .
11 Further , there is no evidence that at the time the debtor would have qualified financially for legal aid .
12 It was held that the fact the engine seized up after only three weeks was evidence that at the time of the sale the car was not reasonably fit for the purpose of being driven on the road .
13 On the first part of the question , events moved so rapidly in Dublin last night that by the time that I had heard that the Minister had been appointed , I gather that he had also resigned .
14 But during the week immediately following the meeting two fortuitous things happened to the chemists that at the time looked too good opportunities to miss .
15 by the marriage of the testator , unless it appears from the will that at the time it was made the testator was expecting to be married to a particular person , and that he intended that the will ( or a particular disposition in the will ) should not be revoked by that marriage , and that marriage takes place .
16 Now , the fact of a past service raises an implication that at the time it was rendered it was to be paid for , and , if it was a service which was to be paid for , when you get in the subsequent document a promise to pay , that promise may be treated either as an admission which evidences or as a positive bargain which fixes the amount of that reasonable remuneration on the faith of which the service was originally rendered .
17 In the spring of 1939 , Picasso stated to Zervos that at the time when he was painting the Demoiselles his attention had been centred on Iberian sculpture in the Louvre .
18 In fact , this guitar is such a closely guarded secret that at the time of writing there are n't even any pictures available .
19 It was no secret that at the time you were looking for John Alaysi perhaps to replace Bootsen next season .
20 Allan McKay 's father , a gas engineer , Ian McKay , 40 , told Mrs Paton that at the time his son disappeared he had not known of the existence of the quarry .
21 Prime was brought down when to escape a hostile bid from MAI Systems Corp , it agreed to one of the last — and most doomed — leveraged buyouts in the computer industry by a group led by J H Whitney & Co , just before the boom fell on such transactions , which saddled Prime with a debt burden that at the time looked unsustainable — as so it has proved .
22 It led to a period of sharp retrenchment and redundancies , a situation that at the time was very foreign to ICi which had been accustomed to unrestricted expansion in practically everything it undertook .
23 The rise of the electricity industry created a new market for his engines , which proved so well suited to driving dynamos that by the time of his death over half the country 's electrical power was generated by them .
24 ‘ You do n't mind that I 'm an atheist ? ’ he 'd said with a frankness that at the time she 'd admired .
25 There can be little doubt that at the time Constantine took control of the Western empire , Christianity can have been the religion of only a minority , though perhaps not so tiny a minority as has sometimes been thought .
26 But it is included in the deposit plan of the greenbelt by the County Council , that 's greenbelt land , so I think bearing in mind what the the panel said the other day , I can accept this discussion that for the time being we assume that is in the greenbelt .
27 Mr Goldring told the jury of seven men and five women that at the time of the incidents involving the twins , it never occurred to anyone that Allitt might have caused them .
28 There is no representation that at the time when the cheque is signed the accused had sufficient funds in his account .
29 and we have yet to be contacted erm despite th the fact that at the time we had our last meeting the thing was supposed to be in the post .
30 The only defect in Statutes in Force , apart from the fact that at the time of writing it is incomplete , is that it does not provide proper annotations to the statutes .
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