Example sentences of "[noun] that [modal v] have [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ’ Sergeant Bramble made as if to speak , but the foreign person silenced him with a glance that would have iced coffee .
2 Morals from this episode that may have some parallels with the test-tube fusion story of 1989 include the delicate balance between the world of science and the media .
3 These situations and circumstances are not seen as operating as ‘ causes ’ , in a determinist sense , but as offering incentives or disincentives that will have some degree of probability of influencing the direction in which the choices are made .
4 The development of electronic devices like digital computers that can have mind-like properties means that a physical basis of mind is much less improbable to us .
5 To a combustible internal situation in August 1945 was added the beginnings of great power rivalry and animosity , which would ensure that the deadly hatreds within Korean society would be resolved amid a framework of hostility between superpowers that would have profound repercussions for Korea .
6 Companies chopped and changed their holdings , for reasons that might have little to do with the specific nature of the businesses involved .
7 In Britain , Tin Machine 's imaginative brand of tense , futuristic grunge has regularly been the butt of the kind of vitriolic press coverage that would have many a younger , less experienced band pleading for their day jobs back .
8 From equation ( 7. 1 ) , the percentage of embedded overflow areas that will have 0 , 1 , … n additions is given in Table 7.2 .
9 Passive nonlinear resonator theory , described by equations ( 7.5 ) with C> 0 and thus y 0 , was originally developed in the context of optical bistability ( OB ) : I x in the state equation ( 7.6 ) can clearly be a multivalued function of y , which corresponds to an optical device that can have two or more transmission states for a single-input field , and can thus act as an optical memory device ( Fig. 7.2 ) .
10 It would certainly be easier to mitigate the effects of such a drought if long-range forecasting could be made more effective , and although there is as yet no secure basis for the kind of forecasting required , an analysis of the causes of the latest drought offers some hope of explanations that may have predictive value in future .
11 Micro Focus decided to implement the object-oriented paradigm in a product that will have many of the features of the completed standard and that will become fully ANSI-compliant when the standard emerges .
12 But it was not until after 1984 and the growing rapprochement and détente between the superpowers that WEU began to re-emerge as a body that could have real value .
13 It was the Europeans who cultivated fish that may have satisfied culinary requirements , but at the expense of what some would consider to be the aesthetic qualities of a ‘ typical ’ carp .
14 When this appears to happen literally the child may feel a guilt that can have far-reaching consequences .
15 But , much more than a filmmaker like Hepworth , he had learnt to find stories that would have genuine popular appeal .
16 The first two would be examples of mismatches that could have cultural causes similar to the ones explained above .
17 The only possible wholesale/retail distinction relating to the type of goods that might have some application would seem to be in the area of packaging for retail as opposed to wholesale sale .
18 She expertly presents an early evening news programme on Anglia TV , she 's written one novel and is half-way through the next , she breezes through the kind of daily schedule that would have most of us screaming for mercy by midday .
19 Germany is at last waking up to the what has been clear to outsiders for the past year or so , that there is going to be no quick fix to the recession it is facing and that it will be long and grinding : this week the BDI industrial federation admitted that the downturn could develop into Germany 's worst recession since the end of World War II , saying that the western German economy will continue to decline , and the fall will be deeper than previously thought , so that in important sectors such as the capital goods industry the downturn will represent a new post-war record ; the body blames weak foreign demand for German goods , the now over-valued mark and rising costs for German industry and now admits it is the result of structural problems that will have long-term economic effects .
20 Urgent practical decisions have to be made about actions that will have demographic affects .
21 Remembering that impulses arriving at a synapse can be either stimulatory or inhibitory , it is easy to imagine wiring diagrams that would have this effect .
22 The project was a broad review of all electromagnetic geophysical methods for detecting submerged conducting bodies that might have military applications .
23 A drawing together of all those authorities is required , as well as a debate that would have some significance to environmental development generally .
24 It is also about opportunity — for communities and individuals — to learn and to continue to learn , a learning that will have economic as well as other human benefit .
25 Owing to his involvement with Darwin and other staff in the Senior Common Room , he may have wished to avoid any liaison with a student that would have embarrassed College authorities .
26 Hire a small cruiser and slip her coffin over the side in some ocean that might have some special meaning for her ?
27 This need to deal with a tricky political environment has often led to managerial centralization of decisions that may have political overtones , and a consensual style of leadership based around committee structures ( e.g. Batstone et al.
28 If you then take the point that it 's beyond the greenbelt , again you 've limited the area of search and if we take the point that Mr I think put across so well that it 's consistent with sub-regional policy , you already immediately then rule out that part of the erm area round Greater York that would have greatest impact on the Leeds Conurbation .
29 In clinical practice the sufferer is helped to see that there are other choices , other " pictures " that can be put into the mental library of how life is or could be , and that there is no need to attempt to control one 's life by clinging to a fixed perception of reality that may have some validity for the sufferer but little validity for others .
30 Emergency Debates are allowed at the discretion of the Speaker under Standing Order 20 if he considers that an application relates to " a specific and important matter that should have urgent consideration . "
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