Example sentences of "[noun] that [pron] in the " in BNC.

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1 Attempting to distinguish the two forms , Frances Berry arrived at the strange result that Thou in the Sonnets is ‘ remote ’ and ‘ betokens distant admiration ’ , while You is ‘ more intimate ’ .
2 They are setting standards of good practice that we in the Save The Children Fund can then help to spread .
3 This is subject to an overriding provision that nothing in the relevant Rule or in any order or direction of the court made by virtue of it authorises or requires the doing of anything in a country in which service is to be effected which is contrary to the law of that country .
4 They chuck all these people out of mental hospitals on the excuse that everyone in the community is spontaneously going to start looking after them — and surprise , surprise , they start turning up on the night shelter circuit .
5 That is far more sensible and realistic than the politicians ' attitude that everything in the European garden is rosy .
6 The magazine served to reinforce my own feelings that we in the UK must fight to preserve lesbian and gay rights which were so hard won and which Mrs Thatcher seems determined to destroy .
7 It is unfortunate that the United States Federal Rules of Civil Procedure , while expressing authorising service in a manner prescribed by the law of the foreign country , contains no provision corresponding to that in the English Rules of the Supreme Court that nothing in the Rules authorises or requires the doing in a foreign country of anything contrary to the law of that country ; the issue is referred to merely in the official commentary of the Advisory Committee and then only as affecting the chances of the recognition and enforcement in the foreign country of a judgment obtained in the United States .
8 Employment is a two-way trade and it is as well to remember that the conditions that we in the House think can be imposed on employers may backfire on the very people whom they are supposed to help .
9 I can reassure my hon. Friend that nothing in the Bill will make that sort of rationalisation necessary .
10 Rules , in substance the same as those relating to solicitors ' accounts , and those concerning the permitted name of the firm and the need for proper supervision of offices , apply equally to overseas as to domestic practices , subject generally to the caveat that nothing in the Law Society 's Rules will override particular duties imposed on practitioners by the local law .
11 It is a belief that everything in the present is superior to the past .
12 John Young , a larger-than-life figure , had automatically assumed the Princess would sit in the Royal Box , and had sold tickets in the belief that everyone in the theatre would have a view of the Princess .
13 The former means that anything in the domain of belief is potentially relevant to what is being considered ; the latter means that the falsification or verification of propositions is done relative to their status in a scientific theory ( and , by extension , in a belief system ) .
14 So hysterical and shrill was Nigel 's scream that everyone in the place , including the Trunchbull , looked up at the blackboard .
15 I mean , why would anybody cover a Monkees song that everybody in the world f—ing knows off by heart and not do a damn thing with it ?
16 Charging in , striking at the foe and wheeling away , driving back their enemies with their skill and power , the Charioteers of Tiranoc are a breathtaking sight that none in the outer lands can match for speed and grace .
17 Charging in , striking at the foe and wheeling away , driving back their enemies with their deadly skill , the Charioteers of Tiranoc are a breathtaking sight that none in the outer lands can match for speed and grace .
18 Like an old bull that everyone in the post-industrial world thought was long dead , Spain 's new working class is snorting , stamping the ground and ready to fight .
19 The Doctor looked up from the screens that everyone in the chamber had been silently watching .
20 In order that everyone in the firm benefits from your practical experience you should forward your suggested updates to your regional network member , for onward submission to the compiler .
21 Thus the Lacanian account of the impossibility of desire often cites the following passage from Freud 's ‘ On the Universal Tendency to Debasement in the Sphere of Love ’ : ‘ It is my belief that , however strange it may sound , we must reckon with the possibility that something in the nature of the sexual instinct itself is unfavourable to the realization of complete satisfaction , ( vii .
22 The noises that came from the rooms on either side seemed like the sound-track of a film that everyone in the hotel was playing , a film in which various people were constantly ambushed , or tortured , or — in joy — found God .
23 We have then reached the absurd position that nothing in the world possesses a knowable intrinsic or qualitative nature , for all properties are essentially relational .
24 The idea that everyone in the country is wealthy has always been a myth .
25 And remember , too , the lessons in scientific death that we in the West have given throughout this bloody century .
26 At the general election of 1929 the landlady could be heard telling a Tory canvasser that everyone in the house would vote Conservative and Ramsey said forcibly that he was voting Labour ( there was no Liberal candidate ) .
27 Above all , the Karik/Numerik is not a player that anyone in the market for a genuinely high class deck can afford to ignore .
28 And the fact that everyone in the hierarchy , regardless of status , seems to see these boundaries in the same places suggests that the boundaries reflect some universal truth about human nature .
29 Is it not a fact that everyone in the Home Office associated with this case has been properly advised by qualified lawyers , that the facts that my right hon. Friend had produced to the House today are not in dispute and that the issue is one of constitutional importance only ?
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