Example sentences of "[noun] he had [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Around the huts he had avoided all contact with her and although they stood side by side listening to her husband , he did nothing to acknowledge her existence .
2 Who this might be he could not tell , but if it was Balliol he had donned more clothing , which seemed unlikely , in the rush .
3 After three months he had written most of this work and was well enough to return to his beloved Kidderminster .
4 After a few months he had borrowed enough money to set up a drug store in Sydney .
5 One morning he woke up to discover the entire ‘ ARCHITECTURE ’ section stacked so high around his desk he had to wait half the day before pupils managed to free him .
6 During the fever brought on by wounds , forced marches , wet and cold he had dreamed many odd and discomforting things , but never anything like this .
7 Music hall had shown Eliot that the chorus of the Greek drama in whose primitive origins he had exhibited such interest , could still work on the modern stage .
8 Within a few days he had received some opinions on it which he transmitted to Pons immediately .
9 In the past two weeks he had had enough of being outgoing , talking to strangers , spending time money and love of a sort .
10 Having doubts about this picture 's authenticity and surmising that it might be the same picture he had seen several years before , he again sought my opinion on the basis of a good photograph .
11 For ten years he had lived this lonely life , his heart full of sadness and his head full of dark dreams .
12 With the Yeomanry in South Africa he had acquired much experience in horse management .
13 By all the Gods he had showed those peasant scum .
14 He was always muttering to himself about all the experiments he had to do that week .
15 He was so close that Polly could feel his body warmth and smell the soap he had used that morning .
16 And as they came towards the end of the day he had to do some quick thinking to find out whether he 'd have to keep the men working right up to the last minute in order to get the stint , of three-quarter of an acre 's ploughing for each man , finished .
17 He tried to realign retrospectively things he had written many years before , for what at the time had been entirely adequate reasons .
18 She made a broth from the bones , using roots that flourished in the summer season , and after a while he had recouped some of his strength .
19 Earlier on in the same piece of writing , in the same letter to the Philippians he had said that for him to die was gain .
20 And what would Gemma Dallam — Gemma Gage — think to that , she wondered , if she knew the price he had made another woman pay to recover her brown satin ?
21 By the end of the month he had re-established some contact with the main Front ; however , plans to reinforce the 2nd Shock were abruptly abandoned when Stalin was persuaded to disband the Volkhov Front entirely and place its troops under control of the Leningrad Front .
22 That morning he had visited several estate agents , and his researches indicated that Number 29 might be worth as much as £80,000 .
23 We argued and discussed — and in the morning he had scrapped that idea and had several others to offer in its place .
24 His head whirled with the names and faces of all the people he had met that day .
25 She smiled , suddenly the woman he had met that first time , laughing and self-confident , all depths , all subtleties gone from her .
26 Delaney remembered the feeling he had had that Connors was holding something back .
27 Here she was , possessed of more than she had ever dreamed of , this house , its comforts and warmth , those servants whose lives were spent in caring for hers , friends such as the Chamberlins who had taken her to their hearts , this first , unforgettable Christmas with all its bounty and then — Michael Swinton , in that bleak and dreary place , with only drunken old Meg and silent Punch , his loneliness accentuated by the life he had known these last few months in London and in the great houses he had stayed in .
28 In the past he had settled several disputes between Victoria and Albert .
29 His heart seemed to leap inside him , at the sheer beauty of her now , and the realisation he had produced this change .
30 Through receiving so many treatments for his own various ailments he had gained some experience which was a help to others .
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