Example sentences of "[noun] he have [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Whatever the fault he had from the start ,
2 Since then he has spent his time equally divided between Belfast and a home he has in the south of France .
3 On record there is the prolonged correspondence he had with the Postmaster-General ( PMG ) from 1908 onwards .
4 Endill spent every spare moment he had in the library .
5 When I felt able , I returned to the house where Lem , the embalmer 's brother , gave me all the particulars he had of the accident and suggested the police department would have any further details .
6 To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what responsibilities he has for the sports and arts foundation .
7 you could n't do it , but he had every opportunity the other , the twin did to get through you know and he passed his City and Guilds , but Peter 's got on alright , the other son who 's got the factory , he 's , he 's busy got an electrical panels and all that he does , you know , he 's quite good and my other son he works , he used to work at Burnt Mill , and he now has moved to erm er Stansted , he works at Stansted he works in the big food depot , that used to be years ago and he works there , he 's been there ever since he left school , since except two , two years he had in the army you know for the conscription , but he 's been there erm ever since he was fourteen and he 's now about oh , forty something now he is , I 'm not quite sure of their ages , I get muddled up I 've got , eight , eight sons altogether , so , I 've got quite a family dear .
8 She deserved no less , for she was the kindest , sweetest , dearest friend he had in the world .
9 In the box Boy kept a few books and a lot of letters ; apart from his clothes these were about the only things he had in the flat that were his own .
10 A DESPERATE businessman saved his company from bankruptcy by gambling every penny he had on the spin of a wheel .
11 But planning was what he liked , and he had contingency plans , too , for whatever news he had in the end of Katelina , good or bad .
12 The landslide he had in the electoral college last November obscured the narrowness of a victory based on just 43% of the popular vote .
13 His accuracy and stinginess with runs made him almost without equal as a one-day bowler , for he could both contain and attack at the same time since the bounce he got from his great height and the control he had over the ball gave him the extra penetration that brought wickets .
14 Lang 's success at a ministerial level has not a little to do with the excellent relations he has with the President on both a personal and political plane .
15 We shall even consider him in whatever new role he has at the time .
16 Hoving proved his own worst enemy , and eventually his taste for the tinsel and show of the art world overtook whatever feeling he had for the art itself , and he left the museum after his cherished Arts Communication Center ( to be funded by Walter Annenberg , with Hoving as its head ) , a nebulous film-studio-cum-information centre to be built in gallery space reserved for the European decorative arts department , was dissolved after much local criticism .
17 Ken cried as he washed the make-up off his legs , hauling them into the sink and then washing them in basins he had on the floor .
18 He dropped what luggage he had into the nearest garbage receptacle and then , ignoring the ticket windows completely , headed over toward the phones .
19 Ajax Amsterdam coach Louis van Gaal was saved from a demoralising home defeat by two players he has on the transfer list .
20 Use them as signalmen between his army and any ships he has on the coast .
21 What about the 10 superb games he had on the trot recently ?
22 Odd-Knut tells us that to ask a Lapp that question is like asking an Englishman how much money he has in the bank .
23 In addition , he used any contacts he had in the services , or the Government , in case they could be of help .
24 That 's just like my dad — he 's always on about what a struggle he had in the days of his youth and I get it all too easy .
25 To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what proposals he has for the alleviation of homelessness in Scotland .
26 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what discussions he had with the leaders of the Commonwealth of Independent States during his recent visit on United Kingdom relations with the members of the CIS .
27 So little time had he to spare , indeed , that he declined Jardine 's invitation to shoot with him in Scotland , an opportunity he had in the past seldom passed over .
28 To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what information he has on the number of orders , and for what types of vessels , held by shipbuilders in Northern Ireland .
29 To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what information he has on the number of jobs in the north-west region of England which are related to defence requirements .
30 To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what information he has concerning the number of people registered homeless in Liverpool .
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