Example sentences of "[noun] he [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 Among his patrons was Lord Conway , a wealthy Irish peer whose agent he became for the purchase of rare books in London .
2 Then , during his three years in exile he came for the first time into close contact with the main exponents of the Gregorian ideal , and we must ask how far and in what circumstances he adopted the phraseology of the Gregorian reformers ; then , whether he adopted the theoretical structure which their favourite phrase libertas ecclesiae expressed , or adopted the phrase for use only in exceptional circumstances and for special reasons .
3 ‘ So you have to keep at him because like all kids he lives for the telly and various electronic gadgets and he 'd be quite happy eating crisps and playing for the rest of his life .
4 He and Tasker were chosen by Bonington to be members of the 1982 British Everest Expedition , and shortly before he left Leysin he wrote for the Parents ' Association Newsletter an account of his schooldays , affectionately remembered :
5 Gong show VIC REEVES , the big lummox , was on television the other night dropping the gong he received for the most original programme .
6 Unlike the role it played in the IFL , political anti-semitism never became a total ideological explanation of all the imagined ills of British society for most of the official leadership of the BUF , though there were obvious exceptions like William Joyce and some of the speakers he trained for the East End campaign of 1935 — 7 .
7 Walter climbed in beside him , trying hard not to show the fear he felt for the mechanical monster .
8 And the traps he set for the villains would have killed them .
9 It is unfortunate that Dustin did not similarly mime the songs he sings while strumming a guitar ( an instrument he studied for the part ) , because his singing voice is strained and uncomfortably high .
10 Indeed , he thinks that whereas the master fails to gain a proper sense of himself from the slave , because the slave merely carries out his ( the master 's ) will , the slave does gain a certain degree of self-consciousness by means of the work he performs for the master .
11 On leaving Oxford without a degree he studied for the stage at the Embassy Theatre School , and made his London début at the Queen 's Theatre on 6 September 1937 with ( Sir ) John Gielgud in Shakespeare 's Richard II .
12 When I went to live in the attic , Jean-Claude still took it for granted that the wood he needed for the stove should be filched from the railway sidings .
13 At the beginning of the First World War he sailed for the United States of America and spent the next ten years dividing his teaching between there and England .
14 As he hung about the Red Anchor he noticed for the first time that its character was changing .
15 This was very well attended and a committee , with himself as chairman ( a post he held for the next thirty-six years ) , was elected and set to work .
16 To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what responsibilities he has for the sports and arts foundation .
17 Alex Brown & Sons financial analyst Mark Stahlman , who coined the phrase network computing , has charged IBM with leaning on The Harvard Business Review hard enough to make it pull a 10,000-word article he wrote for the January issue on ‘ Why IBM Failed . ’
18 When he left Serbia in 1813 he joined the South Slav community in Vienna , where he came to the notice of the imperial censor for Slavonic languages as a result of an article he wrote for the newspaper Srpske Novine ( Serbian News ) .
19 Well I know the article he wrote for the Society 's Quarterly .
20 Certainly the saw he bought for the mill I think that has great prospects and you know there 's no two ways about it , it could help production and ease the work of the workforce .
21 But likely to be ruled out of the action is full-back Keith Proctor , who has suffered a reaction to his first game back after a six-week injury lay-off he played for the reserves last weekend and is now likely to have to see a specialist about his troublesome knee .
22 But likely to be ruled out of the action is fullback Keith Proctor , who has suffered a reaction to his first game back after a six-week injury lay-off he played for the reserves last weekend and is now likely to have to see a specialist about his troublesome knee .
23 Despite his disappointments he starred for the South African side which played as Springboks against the Juniors late last season .
24 After 10 years he worked for The Farmers Journal .
25 When Major Burrows was stationed at a camp in a nearby suburb Mrs Burrows , Eva and Margaret would take a train each Sunday afternoon to help him with the evening service he conducted for the soldiers .
26 He described himself as the ‘ natural son ’ of his parents on his baptism certificate , and this may explain the affinity he felt for the boy .
27 In fact , usually , he never saw the cheques he got for the ‘ Carry On ’ films .
28 The yield to the purchaser then depends on the difference between the price he paid for the bill and its redemption value .
29 For John Lawer — three-wheeled and proud of it — being treated like a second-class motorist is the price he pays for the car he drives .
30 For John Lawer — three-wheeled and proud of it — being treated like a second-class motorist is the price he pays for the car he drives .
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