Example sentences of "[noun] he [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 Twelve minutes after the break he moved into the middle during a rare Palace break and was in just the right spot to hammer home a left-wing cross to give Palace a great victory and set up a 3rd round tie against Liverpool !
2 Landing over the first fence he crashed into the prostrate form of the faller Meon Valley and was brought down .
3 He hated verbal theories , he did n't read much , he 'd never travelled outside the states , he punched people up , and when he was drunk at parties he pissed into the fireplace .
4 Cleared with the security guards at the desk he went into the lift that would take him down to a depth below the level of the Thames .
5 Every day when Dad came home from work he went into the bedroom and did n't come out .
6 She nodded , handed it to him and watched as he put her key into one of the locks and the duplicate he carried into the other , turning both simultaneously .
7 After the war he disappeared into the closed world of post-war intelligence with MI5 until 1956 before moving to MI6 as the real life ‘ M ’ made famous in fiction by James Bond creator Ian Fleming .
8 She had realised the moment he walked into the Customs office that Nathan Bryce was not a man to cross .
9 The cardboard he threw into the tent .
10 Bruce meanwhile had launched a lightning raid into north-west England , and after burning Lancaster he crossed into the North Riding of Yorkshire and almost succeeded in capturing Edward himself near Byland Abbey , This humiliation of the king proved too much for Andrew Harclay , whose support had been of crucial importance at Boroughbridge and who had been raised to the earldom of Carlisle a few days after the battle .
11 When Thompson asks about the emergence of classes he enquires into the choices and intentions of individuals , which are for him a crucial kind of evidence , and sees the process of class formation as one of self-making .
12 The day he walked into the manager 's office Norwich were bottom of the First Division and relegation was more a probability than possibility .
13 The broad comedy he brings into the drama is , like the operatic emotions of the romantic plot , performed with masterly finesse .
14 Leaving behind an amused wife he went into the livingi-room where Erika , dressed in a track suit , was having her breakfast .
15 On the gloomy half-landing he stared into the mildewed mirror .
16 Dana read a group of modern Americans , which must have annoyed the British , starting with Elizabeth Bishop 's ‘ The Fish ’ — I can still hear his voice , the faint American accent and the hushed astonishment he put into the first line : ‘ I caught a tremendous fish … . ’
17 MICHAEL Fagan yesterday revealed the truth about what happened the morning he broke into the Queen 's bedroom … ‘ nothing ’ .
18 Stamping up the stairs he went into the bedroom he shared with Eliza .
19 Rather than fall into the hands of the Witch King 's servants he jumped into the sea in full armour .
20 After a couple of sentences he went into the present tense , which was a habit he had in speaking of the past , as if it were the plot of some play he was about to do .
21 He could hear baby Penny crying but when no one answered the door he went into the unlocked house to investigate .
22 Mark Roe had a closing 79 in which his score slipped beyond redemption with the drive he ripped into the dell at the 12th .
23 In 1985 Mr Honey launched the Etak Navigator , a $1,400 in-car navigation system , which could guide a driver to any address he punched into the system .
24 He dropped what luggage he had into the nearest garbage receptacle and then , ignoring the ticket windows completely , headed over toward the phones .
25 When there were not games he disappeared into the library and found himself the only person in the building .
26 Without waiting for a response he stepped into the thicket .
27 The following afternoon he struggled into the white loons , which he had washed and ironed himself .
28 With coworkers he probed into the floor of the Atlantic from the margins of San Miguel in the Azores and Bermuda .
29 Under cover of a game of blindman 's buff he slipped into the darkened dining room , and to his relief she was there , on hands and knees by the table .
30 Without waiting for an answer he ran into the open and down the path .
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