Example sentences of "[noun] for him [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Britten had written the part for him as the eldest son , Jaffet , which was a treble , ’ said Graham .
2 After all , I had ‘ covered ’ the Boys ' Parliament sessions and other church activities for him on a free lance basis , and I was sure he knew I was determined to take up journalism as a full-time and life-long career .
3 According to Hermann , working in the late eleventh century , this happened because Edmund 's popularity was increasing , and this tends to be confirmed by the entry of his feast-day in calendars produced in Winchester and Canterbury at about the same time , and by the inclusion of a special mass for him in a sacramentary probably written in Ely .
4 Mr Forsyth 's support for student loans has ensured little support for him on the campus but , that apart , the student vote seems to be as divided as it is in the wider constituency .
5 There may have been some support for him among the cardinals , but they were not prepared to act in concert and several now put themselves forward .
6 To a king about to embark on war , the support of wise counsels and mighty powers was indeed essential , and the men honoured in 1337 repaid the king 's generosity by loyal support for him in the forthcoming campaigns .
7 Yet aside from that , my admiration for him as a person is perhaps as great as my fear of him .
8 Folly finished the sentence for him in a flat voice that she hardly recognised as being her own .
9 money for him across the road ?
10 I am raising money for him at the moment .
11 ‘ It should not be so difficult a decision for him in the best interests of an organisation in which he believes and for which I know he has worked so hard . ’
12 ‘ It should not be so difficult a decision for him in the best interests of an organisation in which he believes and for which I know he has worked so hard . ’
13 In 1696 Lowther of Lowther , tired of contesting elections , employed his cousin to seek a viscountcy for him from the king .
14 His estates were , moreover , a heterogeneous collection , put together with an eye to providing him with an income rather than creating a political niche for him at a regional level .
15 His estates were , moreover , a heterogeneous collection , put together with an eye to providing him with an income rather than creating a political niche for him at a regional level .
16 She flirted outrageously , promising that she would secure an interview for him with the Queen but she always seemed to fail .
17 A first round victory caught everyone 's attention , and Swift kept close tabs on him for the rest of the year , even fielding a car for him in the 25th anniversary race at Silverstone and again in the Irish Festival .
18 There had been no conscious pleasure for him in the attack .
19 I 'll give you the address if you want , but I 'm heading back there with some lunch for him in an hour or so . ’
20 When he grew up there would always be work for him on the estate .
21 James Macrae was an intelligent boy and as soon as he was old enough , Hugh McGuire got work for him as an errand boy in Ayr .
22 Jesus taught that some of his followers would willingly forego a life of sexual activity in order to fulfil their special work for him in the world .
23 Standing this close to Piers was enough to bring her out in goose-bumps , and she thought , I 'll fight this desperate longing for him to the end .
24 Although belated , the gesture will win Mr Kaifu kudos in Washington , and guarantee a warm welcome for him at the London summit of rich countries ' leaders in July .
25 I asked Dick if there were any surprises for him about the aircraft and he mentioned that he was pleasantly surprised that this Allison machine ran so smoothly and that the power band was as wide and it was .
26 He was in a fix — he had bought two papers and merged them together , and I was n't around , I was in New York , and I did the logo for him in a hurry , but I did n't have time to design a newspaper , nor was it the kind of thing for which he could pay a big design fee , so he described it on the phone and then he faxed me some pages of the existing papers , and I said well what you have to do is look at the old London Times and do that .
27 She helped him to the kitchen , as that seemed to be the best place for him for the moment , and sat him down at the kitchen table while she went and got a towel .
28 I have served a place for him at the head of the queue to buy shares in the privatised NIE .
29 There was unlikely to be a place for him in a reconstituted kingdom of Aquitaine that included Septimania and was ruled by Charles the Bald .
30 There seemed no place for him in the context of an England team battling to wipe out a one goal deficit against a reeling American side in Foxboro .
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