Example sentences of "[noun] for [det] than an " in BNC.

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1 County secretary Philip August said : ‘ We do n't anticipate any problems after watching Kevin bowl in the nets at Lilleshall for more than an hour . ’
2 They trekked in single file for more than an hour , holding their rifles high in front of their chests , without sighting any animals at all .
3 Tata had complained often enough that he could n't leave his two assistants at the shop for more than an hour before something was certain to go wrong .
4 At Liben railway station in the northern outskirts of Prague , East Germans queued cheerfully in drizzle for more than an hour to enter the departure hall .
5 But this did not delay the charge for more than an instant .
6 Vařené hovëví se žloutkovou sýrovou omáčkou , which was boiled beef with a cheese and egg yolk sauce , served with rice , went down very well , but left her with little room for more than an ice-cream afterwards .
7 Do not leave the meat in the water for more than an hour or two , for it will soon begin to decay and pollute the water .
8 But that too ran into difficulties when thick fog on the runway at Ronaldsway Airport , Douglas , delayed the flight for more than an hour .
9 Golding asked to speak to Charlotte alone and Derek was left on an uncomfortable chair in a busy corridor studying a LOCK IT OR LOSE IT poster for more than an hour before being summoned to join them .
10 SCUNTHORPE , down to 10 men for more than an hour , equalised , forced extra time and then held out for a second replay .
11 Meanwhile , Tory backbenchers voiced their concern that speedy action should be taken over juvenile crime when about 25 MPs met Mr Clarke for more than an hour at a private meeting at the Commons .
12 Hundreds of callers jammed the BBC switchboard for more than an hour , complaining it had not been made clear it was make believe .
13 ‘ We are worried that the damage to the ankle is so serious that there will never be a full recovery for professional sports activity , ’ said Professor Marc Martens after he had operated on the AC Milan player for more than an hour in Antwerp .
14 Even the elements failed to subdue him — on one occasion he persisted in declaiming from the balcony overlooking the square at Samis for more than an hour , in the course of which a downpour cut the loudspeaker system dozens of times .
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