Example sentences of "[noun] i [vb past] with the " in BNC.

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1 It 's , it 's the skating I got with the boots
2 And the hours I spent with the airbrush … ah , five hundred roubles was chicken feed for the work I put in . ’
3 On the same afternoon I met with the rail unions and ( loyally supported by Peter Parker ) put the position to them .
4 And I 'll write about the strange talk I had with the Nielsen woman .
5 For five months I slept with the baby , it was so cold .
6 Of the variety of amps I used with the Teardrop , the one which felt most compatible was , guess what , a Vox AC30 .
7 As a boy I helped with the hay-making and cleaned out the cow-sheds .
8 The lack of space , the cold , the absence of hot water — all these contingencies I negotiated with the skills I had acquired in domestic science ( my best subject ) and as a Girl Guide .
9 For a moment I toyed with the idea of getting back to the ship , lifting off and going a comfortingly long way away .
10 Well this is the one with the business I had with the library .
11 Well they 's a allocated me as a grocer you see and the fruiterer I dealt with the , the wholesaler , the I dealt most of with in was He said to me , you 're not getting enough for what you are , he said to me .
12 On the contrary , the differences between us seemed to strengthen the bond I had with the boy : when we grew up , we were going to get married and have babies .
13 In order to start at the logical beginning I went with the default selection , Title .
14 ‘ I did not want to lower my standards and lose the special relationship I had with the fans .
15 So when I knew I had cancer and was facing death , I still could n't pray to the God I associated with the churches .
16 But if you compare the results I obtained with the two examples shown , you 'll understand my confusion .
17 The line I took with the manager was that , as a composer of music for films , I really needed to see equal commitment all along the picture beam to the public .
18 I was not alone in the way I identified with the saga of the March family , nor was I alone in identifying with Jo ( and presumably all readers do ) in her hurts and disappointments , her longings for femininity that clashed with her dreams of independence and achievement ; and in wishing for the ultimate fairness of all things as they were shaped by those nineteenth century moral certainties .
19 Having searched this field to the best of my ability I left with the intention to return at the earliest opportunity .
20 But I have to restrict myself , otherwise I will face the same problem I had with the books — the lack of somewhere to lodge all these wonderful toys .
21 The only problem I had with the book is that it is hinged on the premise that hardened psychopaths are capable of deep love — somehow that does n't ring true .
22 From The Childhood , and even more from some conversations I recorded with the poet 's second cousin ( T. Trehame Thomas ) in 1966–7 , there are hints that Mrs Thomas 's family proudly preserved the memory of Alderman Townsend and his descendants : the Tedmans at a vicarage in Much Birch , near Hereford ; another great-uncle at Limpley Stoke near Bath with an interest in the development of Edward 's French grammar ; and many more who had either been abroad and returned to moderate affluence in the Border counties ( according to Mr T. T. Thomas 's recollections ) or had settled abroad in Africa or in the USA , like Edward 's aunt Margaret .
23 This was the last time I met with the Harlequin Bronzewing . ’
24 There followed as fierce and nasty a little campaign as I can remember in the time I spent with the health service .
25 ‘ The time I spent with the O'Brien 's was a great education .
26 Erm see if I can remember what on earth I did with the damn thing .
27 Lying flat , my naked chest against the cold concrete I fought with the thing till my eyes popped and my breath gave out , but it had not the slightest effect and it made my mind up ; I had to tell him .
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