Example sentences of "[noun] i was given the " in BNC.

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1 As Chairman of the National Curriculum English Working Group I was given the responsibility of deciding on programmes of study for all children from 5 to 16 , of putting right what I regarded as a major omission in the Kingman Report .
2 Whilst my sisters wiped up , from an early age I was given the task of transporting the clean china and utensils from the lid of the copper ( there was no draining board ) to the kitchen table for one of the adults to put away .
3 The change in my approach to mathematics began when I joined an in-service Diploma in Mathematics Education.2 In the first week I was given the task of making a 3 x 3 x 3 wooden cube made up of three different pentacubes and three different tetracubes .
4 I C I was given the unfortunate impression with management more interested in running a big chemical company than in maximizing shareholder returns .
5 As third man in the party I was given the job of carrying the large FRCC guidebook of those days .
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