Example sentences of "[noun] would come [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The best evidence that the victim — the person towards whom the threats , abuses or insults were directed — did believe that he was about to be subjected to immediate violence would come from the mouth of the victim himself , but it is not necessary to produce a bystander as a witness in court to prove the point ; it can be a matter for inference from the narrative of events presented to the court .
2 Mick Ronson , Woody Woodmansey and myself would be making backing tracks , having got the brief from David — it was E chord for 16 bars then an A chord for 4 bars and a B chord for 2 bars — and we were just banging out these backing tracks , and David would come into the studio , if we could tear him away from Angela for long enough and say whether he liked it or not .
3 It was also agreed that supplementary financial aid would come from the state .
4 You might have thought that the last bastion of resistance to computers would come from the classic craft environment of hand animation .
5 Soon the Commandant would come through the gates and into the compound and the orders would be shouted for them to form their ranks for roll-call and check before the march to the Factory for work .
6 The place where Aldhelm 's body was found is within close woodland , untended , on a narrow path , where the only light would come from the open sky above the track .
7 So would be the One Thousand and One Nights ; and a later times stories such as She by R. Haggard , and Lost Horizons by Hilton would come in the same category .
8 Funds would come from the non-fossil-fuel obligation , an 11 per cent tax on electricity generated from oil , gas and coal .
9 Like the Brahan Seer who prophesied that ‘ two false preachers would come across the seas to revolutionise the religion of the land and the Highlands would be overrun by ministers without grace ’ , he was distrustful of this new religious energy .
10 You know what your natural endorphin would come to the surface and you just start getting the feeling of well-being .
11 If his assurance satisfies the Church , start-up costs for building work would come from the £243,000 Mr Fallon allocated for church school repairs in County Durham this year .
12 Certainly , if one were to divide the primary school day up into " skills and frills " sections , as it often is by teachers and others , then it is highly likely that project work would come in the " frills " section .
13 I find that people at that level of education are so busy chasing their own tail with the enormous amount of work that comes their way … that the planning for a secondee would come at the bottom of the heap .
14 Labour thought the breakthrough would come with the party election broadcast on Jennifer 's Ear , followed by Mr Kinnock 's call to turn polling day into a referendum on the National Health Service .
15 A first-class woman columnist would come from the Liverpool Post , along with the man to fill the key job of chief sub-editor .
16 I know that if I broke down in my car , wherever I was in the country , whatever time of night it was , Pete would come to the rescue .
17 Though he could put no figure on possible aid , Sir Wyn said assistance would come from the Bellwin scheme which can be activated for emergency relief after exceptional storm or flood damage .
18 Tearing each other 's hair but of course the forewoman would come on the scene and she would settle it .
19 Ideally , the cut from medium shot to close-up would come during the downward movement of the hand , but this degree of editing precision is often difficult for video .
20 Henry II sent Geoffrey to the Limousin to arrange a truce and to ensure that the discontented barons would come to the peace conference .
21 In my book , more danger would come from the vet , whose tetanus syringes were kept in his bicycle puncture outfit .
22 Once over the Black Sea , the aircraft would hopefully quickly get out of range of most of the land-based missile sites , and the only danger would come from the Soviet Navy .
23 The cash would come from the pool of money set aside for such incidents .
24 In an emergency the new European corps would come under the operational command of NATO 's Supreme Allied Command Europe ( SACEUR ) .
25 Although the draft reaffirmed the role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) , it proposed that foreign affairs , security and home affairs would come within the ambit of EC institutions , unlike the earlier Luxembourg draft , which had proposed that such areas be subject to intergovernmental co-operation .
26 as to cheerfulness of character , I really think that any unprejudiced person would come to the conclusion that , if compared with the Post-office , the Museum , the Palace , or even the Board of Trade or Whitehall Chapel , my design would carry the palm in this respect .
27 Slotting in about £4000 above the top-spec Galant — the £17,699 2.0 GTi coupe — the Sigma would come without the 24-valve cylinder head , 4ws , adaptive suspension and leather interior .
28 In the short term it was in their interest to co-operate with the rest of the council , and the real test of their ambitions would come after the coronation , when they would be in a position to exploit their closeness to the new king .
29 In the short term it was in their interest to co-operate with the rest of the council , and the real test of their ambitions would come after the coronation , when they would be in a position to exploit their closeness to the new king .
30 Jesus said that God 's kingdom would come in the future , at the end of time , when all evil would be destroyed .
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