Example sentences of "[noun] would [vb infin] at a " in BNC.

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1 In such conditions some of the turbine blades would glow at a dull red heat , and this represented the practical limit for ferritic steel : higher temperatures could only be attained with the use of special ( austenitic ) steels , which were in short supply in Britain at the time .
2 However matter itself is predicted to be intrinsically unstable on such a scale : the quantum theory implies that evaporation of matter through gravitational interaction with black holes would occur at a rate of around 10 -50 per second , a thousand trillion times faster than spontaneous fusion .
3 The administration 's forecast that the economy would grow at a rate of 3.3 per cent with interest rates falling by 2 per cent was castigated as unrealistic , a view echoed by most economic commentators .
4 There was some slight discussion whether the British should keep Canada or should choose the large French sugar islands like Martinique and Guadeloupe ; very few politicians close to the centre of power thought of giving Canada back to France , but the issue underlined the fact that Canada was unlikely to provide much revenue for the British treasury directly , and certainly would not provide the amount of revenue that sugar for re-export would give at a time when Britain used for consumption or for manufacture all that her West Indian islands could produce .
5 With the Punks , of course , this jumble-sale of fashion would arrive at a self-consciously surreal conclusion in that the scraps were now held together , literally and very visibly , with safety-pins .
6 When he was speaking , the pair would stand at a respectful distance , to hear him declaim poetry or discuss painting with a breadth of knowledge .
7 Sistelcom 's president , Victoria Reinoso , announced that investment in the new system was running at some $3.5m per annum , and acknowledged that the system would run at a loss for the first two years .
8 An examination of the naming patterns used by the Titfords of Frome would suggest at a cursory glance that every eldest son was named after his paternal grandfather , as a matter of course .
9 Unlike the US and Russia , the Ministry said , Britain did not have large stocks of fissile material and British production would continue at a minimum level to satisfy the need for the deterrent and naval reactor requirements .
10 During Oldenburg 's visit , it was agreed that he and his family would stay at a secluded dacha outside St Petersburg .
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