Example sentences of "[noun] would [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 Whatever the status of the Newhart decision , it is clear that it will be confined to very narrow limits since to allow any such action would interfere with the primary duties of the receiver to protect the interests of the security holder .
2 Either , therefore , Labour would govern with the support of the Liberals which would indeed make the Liberals the arbiters of government ; or Labour would be defeated in the House , and seek a dissolution which would be denied to them .
3 The row over what Labour would do with the water industry is a graphic first flare-up in that debate .
4 To prove this , he turned down the role of the American archaeologist in Ingmar Bergman 's The Touch , because the shooting would coincide with the birth of his child .
5 The agent would agree with the promoter that for every pound taken on the door , the artist will receive a certain percentage .
6 Mr Salmond argued that each of the three opposition parties would vote with the Government during the passage of the Maastricht Bill , and warned against ‘ walking out in the huff ’ at every disagreement .
7 Sometimes he 'd sit and look at it , and his eyes would sting with the tears of despair .
8 The final say in such an administration would rest with the President who is obliged , within the framework of a fourth mandate , to call upon all three party leaders to sink their differences and create a tri-party administration .
9 The organizations faced uncertainty and it was not clear whether the time when they might need to reduce their labour force would coincide with the date of expiry of a fixed-term contract .
10 The only fight Laker would have with the big airlines thereafter was in the American courts , suing them under the anti-trust laws for driving him out of business .
11 Then , as the universe expanded and cooled , the antiquarks would annihilate with the quarks , but since there would be more quarks than antiquarks , a small excess of quarks would remain .
12 When the Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales , and the Gwent and Brecknock Wildlife Trusts met council officers and their advisers they asked for an assurance the council would proceed with the bill ( 2 ) .
13 — The hon. Gentleman is making the political point that if the SNP had 72 Scottish Members of Parliament as he posits , sovereignty would remain with the House , but the House would conclude that the Act of Union was no longer sustainable .
14 Labour thought the breakthrough would come with the party election broadcast on Jennifer 's Ear , followed by Mr Kinnock 's call to turn polling day into a referendum on the National Health Service .
15 Audrey Kinkead , the secretary of the Badminton Union of Ireland and an IBF and EBU council member , is delighted with the decision as there was a danger that the sport would split with the men and women going their own way .
16 The ladies of the village would retaliate with the use of buckets of ‘ slops ’ , kept for such a purpose and the wary traveller , having had his joke , had to ‘ … plead his heels the faster ’ .
17 The spokeswoman said it was therefore impossible to say if and when it would be broadcast , or how the production team would deal with the use of original footage or the identities of individual families or children , which is prohibited by law .
18 He agreed with Émile Durkheim that Jewish ethnicity would wane with the advance of secular society .
19 The government claimed that the decision was a procedural one and that holding local elections in November would conflict with the elections for the DCC .
20 The family 's solicitor , Peter Anderson , said he was waiting to hear if the MoD would deal with the matter , but added that the family may pursue a civil claim .
21 ‘ Eventually this north bound restoration would join with the construction from Caernarfon , to restore the complete railway .
22 For the Tory Opposition , the only hope was that the Bill might be delayed ; that , with the delay , the working man would come to realise that , if the Bill became law , he would have been wholly disenfranchised ; and that , with the realisation , the lower classes would unite with the aristocracy to secure the rejection of the proposals contained in the Bill and their replacement by others much more modest .
23 On Aug. 28 , it was reported that some 1,000 Italian troops would assist with the distribution of US$85,000,000 worth of Italian food aid , sufficient to meet Albania 's requirement for three months .
24 It would only be a matter of time , analysts warned , before a conservative backlash would begin with the usual repressive measures against bourgeois liberalism .
25 The philosophy presupposed , first , that the Iranian regime contained officials of reason and moderation with whom America could do business , and that these officials would intercede with the terrorist Hizbollah to release the American hostages they held in Beirut .
26 The proclaimed ‘ non-alignment ’ of Vietnam , Kampuchea and Laos may have been reassuring to a certain extent to the non-communist five , but neutralisation as a strategic concept had been anchored on the assumption that the Indo-Chinese war would end with the survival of non-communist , neutral regimes in South Vietnam , Kampuchea and Laos and that the overall balance of forces in Southeast Asia would remain decisively in favour of the non-communist states .
27 A drink with Arlott was an Augustan experience , a passport into a private land where wine would flow with the constance of the Gironde or the Rhone .
28 How much do you think your husband would part with the … er … photographs for ? ’
29 She had imagined how the room would look with the patio doors pushed wide open , and the reality had n't been a disappointment .
30 Aerospatiale officials are studiously refusing to give odds on whether the sale will go ahead , or what Aerospatiale would do with the company if it does occur .
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