Example sentences of "[noun] say [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 NEC says its new focus on the business market instead of the scientific and engineering market is down to the 36% growth in the latter market .
2 NEC says its new focus on the business market instead of the scientific and engineering market is down to the 36% growth in the latter market .
3 The R A F says its other Shackletons are n't flying today , but Mr King says that 's out of respect for the dead crewmen , not because of any technical problems .
4 Mr V.P. Singh said his immediate priority was to deal with separatist and secessionist violence in the Punjab , Jammu and Kashmir .
5 When Mrs Currie said her famous one-liner about eggs and salmonella , the egg consumption in this country plummeted by an incredible 30% , more or less overnight , and she achieved far more by that sentence than the entire medical profession had achieved in 20 years .
6 His lawyer said his real punishment had already happened .
7 Linda said his first words to her were : ‘ Oh mum . ’
8 During a recent interview on BBC Radio Cleveland 's Alan Wright programme , Maire Brennan said their best audiences are found in the North-East and the group will be returning here as soon as they can .
9 Mrs Adams said her four sons — Richard , nine , Stuart , five , Mark , two , and Thomas , 11 months — were still coming to terms with the loss of their father , a former Royal Air Force engineer whom she described as a happy , family man .
10 Lyalin said his personal task was to destroy the early-warning radar station at Fylingdales while other agents would flood the London underground system .
11 DEC says its 21064 Alpha chip is capable of delivering 400 peak MIPS via dual instruction issue and claims Alpha architecture will eventually allow up to ten simultaneous instructions .
12 Microsoft Corp says its NT-based version of SQL Server will ship in the third quarter with full multi-processor support ; SNA server gateway will arrive at the same time , while products from its Hermes network management technology effort , will appear in the fourth quarter .
13 IBM Corp says its Personal Computer Co shipped 30% to 35% more personal computers in the first quarter than it did during the year-ago period , and vice-chairman Jack Kuehler expects it to be ‘ reasonably profitable ’ in 1993 — but the personal computer business is now so volatile that making forecasts more than a quarter ahead is a mug 's game : following Conner Peripherals Inc 's warning on Friday that it is seeing oversupply and soft demand for disk drives ( CI No 2,142 ) , observers are saying that grey market prices for 80486s are now weak ; Finis Conner said on Friday that Conner would have to slash production and payrolls in the months ahead to remain competitive — ‘ The market is in total disarray , ’ he said ; ‘ the pricing that has occurred in the last four to five days has been something I 've never seen believes the booming personal computer industry is showing signs of slowing after being fuelled for over two years by the price war .
14 Microsoft Corp says its projected sales of 1m copies of NT the first 12 months of sales are not highly dependent on Pentium .
15 Data General Corp is finding the transition to open systems at a time of recession extremely painful with a second quarter loss of $55m after a $48m charge for another 1,000 lay-offs : turnover was down 14% at $274m , in part because the sale of the Japanese subsidiary cut volume by $19m ; the company blamed the disappointing results on competitive pricing pressures , which have cut profits , as well as the weak worldwide economy ; the company says it continues to be very cautious about the remainder of 1992 ; AViiON sales continue to grow , but ‘ we are not satisfied with overall revenues , ’ the company declared Electronic Data Systems Corp says its graphical design system now supports Hewlett-Packard 's series 700 workstations : first deliveries are scheduled for May .
16 Newton says his successful rapport with Chelsea supporters is itself a triumph in the light of recent history .
17 Brian Howells says his youngest daughter was lucky to escape injury .
18 Patrick says his last marathon was in Gloucester in 1985 … he 's a lot older now
19 Kenneth says his earliest memory is seeing Queen Victoria 's Diamond Jubilee celebrations in 1898 .
20 Sapsan says its main customers have been in the defence industry .
21 IBM 's Advanced workstation division says its direct sales force accounts for 64% of the RS/6000s shipped .
22 Hewlett-Packard Co says its new HP 9000 Series 800 Model H40 running Informix 5.0 recorded 406.65 transactions per minute ( tpmC ) at a cost of ownership of $2,786 per tpmC using the Transaction Processing Performance Council 's latest TPC-C on-line transaction processing benchmark test suite .
23 Staff at Slimbridge say their 7,000 waterfowl are unlikely to be affected by the outbreak , which ca n't be passed on from bird to bird .
24 American lady says its two schools rowing against each other … true amateurs and its wonderful
25 WREXHAM Maelor Council says its newly-opened Minera Lead Mines tourist attraction has gone down well with visitors during its first week of opening .
26 But the local council says their present home breaks every rule in the book , and their plans would put an area of outstanding natural beauty at risk …
27 Licensed semiconductor partners will be able to involve their customers at the beginning of the design process and Sun says its current intention is to facilitate early design adoption and volume sales as soon as silicon is production ready , independent of its own system products becoming available .
28 Sun says its own graphics efforts , especially the GS and GT environments were ‘ too little too late , ’ though the 2D GX environment will continue as a low end offering .
29 And the Royal Bank of Scotland says its taking court action over a half a million pound overdraft .
30 Fewer visitors there may have been , but those who did make it from Ireland said their traditional farewell to the town 's Queen 's Hotel last night .
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