Example sentences of "[noun] will [verb] at any " in BNC.

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1 ATNs represent the grammar as a set of networks displaying the possible orderings of constituents in a grammar and the various options that the parser will have at any stage in the processing .
2 If society in all its aspects has always been in a state of flux , it is highly unlikely that this process will end at any particular time .
3 Some naturalists believe that tigers will mate at any time of year .
4 But the local football authorities will protest at any attempt to transmit live football without prior consultation with them .
5 This nest set up on the flat lands beyond the power stations on the south east coast will provide the evidence to Bill and his bird watching colleagues It 's not only the owls that fly at night , waders will feed at any time , but the rising tide will force them to leave the mud flats day or night
6 The ethics of bargaining are debatable ; there is scope for unjustifiable coercion ; and equal treatment as between applicants can be abandoned in favour of charging what the market will bear at any particular time .
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