Example sentences of "[noun] which had [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is most probably that the inhabitants had heard of this religion which had spread over Europe and had been known as early as the late Roman period in Britain .
2 The wardens of Inglewood took ‘ escapes ’ - or fines paid by the owners of animals which had strayed into forbidden parts of the forest .
3 Were , therefore , the deputies of the Cortes to limit themselves to the study of the ‘ means and methods of expelling the French army ’ , or was their sacred task to endow Spain with a constitution that would limit the despotism which had ended in French invasion ?
4 The side which had lain on the river bed was green and moss-grown and there was nothing about it except for its shape and its anomalous position in the water to show that it might have been used as a lethal weapon .
5 The trial of Sir Terence and the charges against Sir Joh were indicative of the depth of corruption associated with the National Party 's 30 years in office in Queensland which had ended with the party 's electoral defeat in 1989 .
6 The first major demonstration against the three-party ruling coalition which had come to power in April 1990 [ see p. 37380 ] erupted in September 1990 .
7 Addressing on March 4 a Turkish delegation which had arrived in Tashkent that day during a tour of central Asia , President Islam Karimov reportedly caused surprise and embarrassment by remarking that he was convinced that " the day will come when we will all meet in one parliament " .
8 The New York Times of Aug. 14 reported that Iraq had transferred between US$3,000 million and $5,000 million in gold , foreign currency and goods from Kuwait and that this had significantly increased Iraq 's financial reserves which had stood at an estimated US$6,500 million before the invasion .
9 The government called for calm and warned against the kind of communal violence which had led to the loss of thousands of lives in neighbouring Croatia .
10 By contrast , a group representing European human rights organizations which had returned from a 12-day visit to Burundi , maintained the same day that at least 3,000 people had been killed in reprisals by the army and paramilitary groups after the rebellion .
11 His words were taken up by many who would not have dreamed of opening any of his more technical works , and he came to be in great demand as a speaker at rallies and at the numerous conferences and seminars on the death of images organized by the Universities , the Churches and the innumerable Humanist organizations which had mushroomed in the immediately preceding decades .
12 The moment Ferdinando left , with only the most cursory of farewells , to go by train and boat to Rome in advance of the main Party , the icy wind which had swept through the city most unexpectedly throughout October suddenly dropped and it was as if it were summer again .
13 He remembered those mad , red eyes which had glared at him earlier that day through the grille , and those great death-bearing , slavering jaws .
14 Each of the Regiments could trace its history back to one of the units which had fought in Indo-China or Algeria during the previous century .
15 He had been thrown violently forwards , the blood which had spurted from nose and mouth splattering the base of his brother 's coffin .
16 As he got closer he saw that there was a series of red drops with the characteristic trailing pear shape as of blood which had dripped from a wound .
17 Ockleton 's mop of jet black hair , his apple-cheeked face and the spectacles which had slid to the end of his nose combined with a tattered gown and a skew-knotted tie to create an impression of immaturity entirely at odds with his voice .
18 Similarly in Braşov , the Securitate used photographs of the crowd taken from an armoured car which had swept through it on 15 November to identify ‘ especially deviant cases ’ .
19 As we waited for the lights to change I noticed a sleek white sports car which had stopped at the foot of the church steps to take in a passenger .
20 The radio message , from the patrol car which had gone to Thistle Street in response to the earlier call , had been to the effect of … nothing found … no assistance required …
21 The second picture showed what remained of the wrecked car in Prague , the car which had belonged to Ladislav Sacher .
22 The case concerned a rusty old car which had belonged to one M. The structure of the car had rusted at the sides of the engine compartment and M had attempted to repair this with plastic body filler .
23 Planned before the Gulf war , it formed part of the government 's privatization programme which had led between 1987 and 1990 to the privatization of some 80 state-owned businesses .
24 In addition , Haynes in the UK had been controlling costs through a redundancy programme which had resulted in the loss of seven jobs ( out of 200 ) and exceptional charges of £203,000 .
25 As Acheson had remarked in 1952 , the world had moved on too far for Churchill and Eden to try to revive the sort of personal ties which had existed with President Roosevelt during the Second World War — this would be " a classical example of the wrong way to do things " .
26 This must be the ultimate exit of the cave , and here we had the explanation of the wind-blown spume which had drifted over Viking throughout the day at the east landing .
27 The prescriptions which had emerged in 1988 and from those conditions of service for teachers which had been introduced by the 1987 Teachers ' Pay and Conditions Act had , despite criticisms and resistance , created some new certainties .
28 Revocation of an objective regime would only be possible with the consent of all parties which had consented to the regime and ‘ have substantial interest in its functioning ’ .
29 A communiqué issued after the meeting said that delegates had declared Iraq to be a " democratic federal country " , and had agreed on a federal structure based on wilayats or provinces , reportedly as a gesture to Islamic parties which had insisted on Arab-Islamic nomenclature .
30 The results were , however , contested by 14 of the parties which had participated in the elections .
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