Example sentences of "[noun] which provide for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Too often some of our Catholic families are not aware of the existence of our excellent senior schools which provide for a solid Catholic education and a growth in faith for our children .
2 Miloš and Marasli negotiated a settlement which provided for a Serbian administration , based on a national council of the knezovi of each of the twelve nahijes , who in their own districts would work alongside a Turkish administrator ( müsellim ) .
3 Most life assurance companies marketed a retirement contract which provided for a death benefit of the return of premiums , or a return with around 5 per cent interest , and since most policyholders had alternative provision for death benefit , a significant number of policies were set up providing just a return of premiums on death .
4 Gailani reputedly stated in an interview in March 1980 that ‘ as regards the West European initiative we support that part which provides for a withdrawal of Soviet troops ’ but ‘ we do not agree with the proposed neutrality of Afghanistan because it is imposed from outside ’ .
5 On Sept. 27 parliament finally approved an amended budget which provided for a budget deficit of 26,000,000 million zloty , compared with the 24,300,000 million zloty provisionally agreed with the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) in August .
6 On May 6 the Commission presented a 1993 draft budget which provided for an increase in the full " appropriations " budget from ECU66,600 million in 1992 to ECU67,300 million .
7 Firstly , he pointed out that the Wolfenden Committee had recognised in its Report that , for the preservation of discipline and for the protection of those of subordinate rank , the services might wish to retain section 6 of the Army Act which provides for the punishment of those guilty of ‘ disgraceful conduct of an indecent or unnatural kind ’ .
8 Balfour 's government introduced an Education Act which provided for an orderly scheme for elementary and secondary education in schools administered by Local Authorities .
9 Inoue reached an agreement on revision which provided for the legal system to be Westernized along approved lines , foreign judges to sit in cases involving non-Japanese nationals , and for tariffs to be raised without the achievement of tariff autonomy .
10 All were charged under the National Security Law which provided for a maximum penalty of death by hanging .
11 The US Supreme Court on Dec. 12 struck down a New York state law which provided for the seizure of profits made by convicted criminals from publicizing their crimes .
12 Instead , he proposed a package which provided for the highest degree of democratization permitted under the Basic Law , the colony 's Constitution which had been approved by China in 1990 .
13 The English actions were not combined in a single trial but subject to an order of Steyn J. which provided for the selection of lead cases to ensure determination of the major points of law and to avoid multiplicity of litigation .
14 There are no general provisions which provide for the aggregation of investment income of an unmarried minor with that of his parents .
15 The situation here is a familiar one in anthropology : the recognition of degrees of commonality of attitude and belief which provides for the variable definition of what constitutes cultural boundaries .
16 In a referendum held at the same time as the elections , 78 per cent of voters supported a new Constitution which provided for a directly elected President to appoint a Prime Minister who would in turn appoint a Cabinet , with all appointments requiring parliamentary approval .
17 In March King Bhumibol approved an interim Constitution which provided for the appointment of a 292-member National Legislative Assembly to draw up a permanent constitution and prepare for a general election .
18 However , most leases incorporate a rent review clause which provides for the periodic raising of the rent .
19 Even then Wilson refused to sign the budget bill until congress had passed enabling legislation which provided for a suspension of the minimum school financing requirement ( which , under the terms of a 1988 initiative , had been set at 40 per cent of the state 's general fund ) should the education loan be ruled unconstitutional in court .
20 Virtually all of the republics , by the late 1980s , had adopted legislation which provided for the majority language of that republic to enjoy official status .
21 On Feb. 4 the Knesset approved legislation which provided for the holding of a general election on June 23 .
22 On Aug. 2 Nakayama and his Lao counterpart , Gen. Phoune Sipaseuth , signed three economic aid agreements which provided for a Japanese aid package to Laos totalling 1,636,630,000 yen ( approximately US$11,000,000 ) .
23 But our task is made relevant only in the context of an adequate sociological model which provides for an account , from ‘ without ’ , of the processes by which football fans come to be viewed as deviant , and how fans come to be portrayed as disordered and devilish .
24 Poulantzas ' own position was to argue for the development of a Marxist , structuralist account which provides for the state to have only a relative autonomy and never a true autonomy .
25 The agreements — comparable , in Pravda 's view , to the INF treaty — included bilateral accords between Afghanistan and Pakistan on non-interference and non-intervention , and on the voluntary return of refugees ; a Soviet-US declaration in support of these agreements ; and a joint agreement on the settlement of the Afghan situation which provided for the ‘ phased withdrawal ’ of Soviet troops , half of them between May and August 1988 and the remainder within the following nine months .
26 stage 3 modules which provide for a wider range of opportunities for science specialisation .
27 Modules which provide for the development of basic competences in Sciences .
28 It should be remembered that any contract for sale which provides for the purchaser to obtain vacant possession on completion now implies a provision that the vendor will procure before completion the cancellation of a registered Class F Land Charge ( Matrimonial Homes Act 1983 , s4(1) ) .
29 An excess of confusion and costs would attend a system which provided for the affairs of the street to be regulated by its inhabitants , and likewise those of the hamlet , parish , market town , county and region .
30 As well as providing legislative protection , it underpins the collective agreement which provides for a basic shift of seven and a quarter hours plus winding time for underground workers and eight hours for surface workers .
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