Example sentences of "[noun] which [be] so [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Thus a car which is so seriously damaged that its chassis is distorted could no longer be accurately described as new , even after being repaired , whereas if only the engine were damaged the car could be restored to newness by a new engine being installed .
2 Rather we must deliberately foster the grasshopper mind which is so scathingly crushed by the schoolmasters .
3 With regard to particular crimes , the survey perhaps offered some reassurance to those accustomed to the image of a massive upsurge in crime which is so regularly portrayed by the media .
4 Similarly , he retained a strong christocentrism , but tried to find a ‘ non-religious ’ interpretation of Jesus as ‘ the man for others ’ in whom God is indeed present , but present in weakness , suffering and hiddenness rather than in the authoritative majesty which was so markedly appealed to in Barth 's earlier writing .
5 Selectors should also avoid books which are so tightly bound that they have to be held forcibly open .
6 Why it was thought appropriate to leave the important matter of imposing tax on building societies to secondary rather than primary legislation in this way remains a mystery ; but , whatever the explanation , the experiment was a total disaster and resulted in the Revenue producing some regulations in respect of a particular period of assessment which were so hopelessly flawed that the House of Lords found itself compelled to declare them void as being ultra vires .
7 So , after lunching at one of the excellent local inns , we contented ourselves with making a wide sweep South to the River Dove and back up to the Derwent , — stopping at Castleton which , with its show caves and fluorspar ( Blue John stone ) mines should n't be missed and at Eyam which was so badly ravaged by the pestilence of 1665/6 that it is still known as The Plague Village .
8 So , after lunching at one of the excellent local inns , we contented ourselves with making a wide sweep South to the River Dove and back up to the Derwent , — stopping at Castleton which , with its show caves and fluorspar ( Blue John stone ) mines should n't be missed and at Eyam which was so badly ravaged by the pestilence of 1665/6 that it is still known as The Plague Village .
9 They were hardly affected by the deluge , even though their diet consists very largely of the very riverbed invertebrates which were so badly affected .
10 The bonus with St Francis is in helping pupils to appreciate a depth in what it means to be a Christian which is so easily today seen at a superficial externalist level .
11 It 's right back to the Stamp Acts which were so bitterly and rightly resisted in the early part of the 19th century . ’
12 The penalties , though , were pressures of time and deadlines , coupled with trepidation about handling the area of Effects which was so totally outside Design 's normal field of endeavour .
13 Any would be magnificent and there is time to knit several of them for ‘ specials ’ but I have n't said anything yet about small ‘ fun ’ presents and decorations which are so much a part of Christmas .
14 Take for example the level of wages and working practices of the print unions in Fleet Street which are so obviously the result of the use of naked power .
15 Indeed , that is precisely the point which was so clearly recognised by President Yeltsin .
16 It is good to see Moorcock 's work finally being given the attention which is so often lavished on lesser writers .
17 It is another pointer to that ambiguity which is so much a characteristic of his life and work , in which the essential orderliness and formal morality of his upbringing clash with his more libertarian — and sometimes libertine — impulses and imagination .
18 There are few aquarium fish which are so uniformly peaceful and easily-maintained as the rasboras .
19 Along the new streets came new housing , the apartment buildings which are so closely identified with their originator that they are stylistically described simply as ‘ Haussmann ’ .
20 The trade unions have sustained the Labour party over all these years and Labour gave the trade unions the appalling powers which were so badly abused in the run-up to the 1979 election when , as we all know , the country was brought to its knees by a new strike almost every week .
21 ‘ By signalling the end for the trade union block vote he has brought an air of realism which was so markedly absent under Neil Kinnock . ’
22 The magazine served to reinforce my own feelings that we in the UK must fight to preserve lesbian and gay rights which were so hard won and which Mrs Thatcher seems determined to destroy .
23 No mention is made of the lateral road on the ridge of Busaco which was so carefully restored by Wellington and which played such a vital role in the successful conduct of the battle .
24 He waited for Siban to find a way to phrase the request which was so obviously his intent , but instead Siban rose to his feet and stalked away towards the door , his departure so abrupt that Alexei was taken by surprise .
25 It is not without considerable irony that he should choose an example which is so uniquely interventionist as to render his previous assertion almost meaningless .
26 Timber which is so severely honeycombed that it is virtually useless — termed ‘ frass ’ — is likely to coincide with the sapwood content of structural timber .
27 Madam Deputy Speaker I did n't mention those at all in the speech I gave last week which was so warmly received by the house .
28 We can usefully begin our discussion here by taking up a very important and characteristic religious theme : the ambiguity or ambivalence which is so often such a striking feature of mystical power .
29 Similarly we may note that the feeling which was so openly exhibited against the French nobility after the battle of Poitiers reflected something of a growing opinion that , in spite of tradition , the nobility had no absolute right to assume positions of responsibility within the army .
30 In the meantime I would ask people to avoid unsubstantiated speculation and unhelpful comment which is so singularly unproductive in these circumstances .
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