Example sentences of "[noun] which [be] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The team will present a paper to the Conference of the British Sociological Association which is meeting at Kent during the period of this time .
2 A ridden horse which is concentrating on his work will often turn his ears back towards the rider , indicating his willingness to obey the rider 's next aids .
3 Such a move would surely appeal to an electorate which is looking for moderation and co-operation .
4 Moustaine explained in a low , controlled voice that any violence which was going to be dished out would come from him and the Corporals .
5 His name trembled on her lips once more , no longer a name but an endearment , a paean to the deep spring of emotion which was gushing through her , banishing logical thought , obliterating words like ‘ giving ’ and ‘ taking ’ , replacing them with ‘ sharing ’ .
6 There 'd been a slight brush with Gallaghers car which was going in excess of 40 mph .
7 A spokeswoman said police had no idea why the car which was heading into Middlesbrough crossed over into the wrong lane .
8 The left side is a highly sophisticated computer which , under deep hypnosis , would give you the data registered five years ago recording the number , make and colour of the car which was standing outside your home at the time .
9 Now , through the ‘ Choices ’ programme which is operating in three districts and is to be extended considerably this year , we are offering more and more staff the chance for career counselling and support from JS in improving skills and gaining qualifications .
10 I I simply , I simply want er er a direct message from from the programme which is going on Chairman incidentally I I note that Nottinghamshire County Council erm has found a a and the Labour group there has found it necessary to tackle just the same problems erm in elderly persons homes and that I understand that they have a a closure list of seven , now presumably that has been drawn up from a long list of a lot more than seven , say fourteen or fifteen from which they 've made their final choice .
11 ‘ Coincidentally , we are now seeing coming out of Eastern Europe that same broad attitude being adopted , not only by the democratic socialists and social democratic parties which are emerging in the East , but also amongst the reform wings of the old Communist parties led by a new generation who realise the command economy Stalinist game is completely up .
12 It can help us explain why the entrenched and the familiar can suddenly appear conditional and temporary , and inject meaning into those long-forgotten disputes which are bubbling to the surface , especially within the Soviet bloc .
13 Looking to the north , she could already see the curtains of snow which were sweeping towards them with terrifying speed .
14 that it is crucial to draw attention to fundamental assumptions in our society , and to keep open for pupils the options of accepting , modifying or rejecting these views ( Chapters 2 – 3 ) ; 2. that the purpose of RE is pupils ' self-education , engaging in depth upon the meaning and truth-claims of religions in a way which is relevant to their total experience of life ( Chapter 4 ) ; 3. that space needs to be given in which pupil involvement has a chance to develop , together with creativity , a sense of wonder and the cultivation of inner quietness ( Chapters 5 and 6 ) ; 4. that teachers need to model a positive , fair and balanced approach to the diversity of religious traditions and outlooks , and the controversy which these can generate ( Chapter 8 ) ; 5. that in a spirit of critical affirmation it is important to develop skills of evaluation and criteria for discernment ( Chapters 7 and 9 ) ; 6. that the crucial need is to put persons first , to establish genuine relationships which are affirming of pupils , believing that they have something to give , and so listening to them and responding to them — and in the light of this to encourage their capacity for self-assessment ( Chapter 10 ) ; 7. that the distinction between education and dogmatic teaching is all-important and that , provided this is borne in mind , opportunities for stillness and possible worship can be an invaluable aid to education ( Chapters 6 and 11 ) ; 8. that RE can relate in a dynamic and creative way to all other areas of the curriculum ( Chapters 12 and 13 ) .
15 There is no doubt that some cells can exhibit chemotaxis , that is , move towards the source of chemical which is diffusing in the medium .
16 Among the former are many participles , both present and past : ( 26 ) the watching crowd started to laugh he was greeted by smiling well-wishers the injured man had been feeding the orang-utan but participles do not exhaust the possibilities : ( 27 ) the angry bartender slammed the drink down five empty tumblers were standing by his elbow Notice , too , the clear ambiguity of : ( 28 ) a flashing light as meaning either a light which is flashing on some particular occasion , or one which normally has this characteristic .
17 It was also necessary to fabricate and fit a new rotating cowl to replace the louvred terminal which was missing from the apex of the south-east roundel .
18 Barney , of course , is currently struggling his way through the next set of fabulous lyrics for the upcoming New Order album which is staggering to completion .
19 Air France also has an operating alliance with Malev , the Hungarian carrier which is looking for a strategic foreign partner .
20 He attended Germaine Greer 's first feminist lecture , but if he had a connection with the ferment of drugs , ‘ sexual politics ’ and revolutionary doo-da which was stewing amid the spires , it was probably distant and reserved .
21 The story of what is going on in the airline industry will perhaps provide as good an example as any of the gap which is growing between what is proposed in the ‘ competition Directives ’ and how matters are likely to work out in practice as a result of the distortions caused by subsidy .
22 Castle Court Shopping Centre ( right ) one of the new retail complexes which are profiting from a surfeit of eager customers
23 By and large , most businesses would give their hind legs to be in an industry which was growing at 7% a year and where there were huge barriers to entry .
24 The Survey Service watch-keeper indicated the data which was flowing across the screen at his side and Rostov nodded .
25 I do n't think that anyone could contemplate a retrospective of Matisse without the involvement at least of the four central institutions which are collaborating on our exhibition : the two Russian museums ; Paris and ourselves .
26 These included all four of the former English colleges of education ( technical ) , some of the extra-mural centres formerly attached to the colleges , and other institutions which were moving into further education teacher training for the first time .
27 Guidance on the structure of co-operative links would be welcome to ensure consistency , as opposed to the varied nature of the coastal fora which are evolving on a voluntary basis .
28 In this case , the transfer is being made off a camcorder which is acting as the source-machine ; the record-machine is a VCR which need not be of the same format .
29 He saw little sign ‘ of the commitment to deepening European unity which is going to be the main thrust of European , if not domestic politics , in the next five or 10 years . ’
30 The launch of BSB , still scheduled for next spring , will be the true test of the Sky formula , while an advertising downturn would take away some of the very good margin the UK papers enjoy , especially The Sunday Times which is operating in an increasingly competitive Sunday market .
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