Example sentences of "[noun] which [verb] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Another effect of the flare is to wind up the blade speed which helps to give a greater safety margin .
2 In higher grade cases , some Down 's people have undergone operations , either at their own or their parents ' instigation , to alter the physical characteristics which have become a stigma for them .
3 Luckily they chose experimental animals which happened to include a species sensitive to one of the new agents under trial .
4 The strikingly low Rm-value in the Holthusen Z1 borehole might be explained by the ‘ chimney effect ’ of the overlying salt stock which has caused a rapid heat discharge ( Hedemann 1967 ) .
5 The least stable group is a coalition which exists to achieve a specific end .
6 For another ten years not a soul had dared enter it , until the snake-hunters steeled themselves to descend in pursuit of a python which had consumed a child in the dry season of 1969 .
7 These are generally either thermal or electrostatic units which tend to offer a cheaper solution than buying an interface and a good quality matrix printer but the results obtained tend to be less professional .
8 The site of the present Transport Offices is here occupied by an old Marton Box car which has collected a cable-drum from the railway siding of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway at Rigby Road .
9 The following practical checklist on starting a co-operative , produced by a London college which has developed a local scheme ( for pre-licentiate training in particular ) , indicates a range of practical factors that they considered necessary to take into account :
10 The school had a guidance programme which needed to develop a range of activities and contacts with employees , trainers and further education institutions so that students could make career choices in an informed and knowledgeable way .
11 One of its most important activities is a Leadership Training Programme which aims to train a total of 700 animators .
12 There is , however , another and even more serious aspect of the closed mind which has had a profound effect on British archaeological thinking .
13 Nothing like the rave parties which have become a controversial feature in the countryside .
14 What he had n't mentioned was that we would be dining out in restaurants which had attracted a nod from Michelin , a faint damn from Gault-Millau or a paragraph of wet-dream prose in a British Sunday .
15 The rules relating to inadmissible reservations and objections thereto can confuse the relationship even between States which have ratified a treaty .
16 Detectives say a hundred and ninety officers , many of them armed , were involved in Operation Lucy which has smashed a nationwide drugs and guns racket .
17 It was a tragedy for Everton because the concentration which had hallmarked a disciplined defensive performance , lapsed for one fatal moment .
18 OPPOSITION is mounting to a controversial rule which has robbed a Middlesbrough student of his last chance to run in the English Schools Cross Country Championships .
19 As the project progressed , it was also harder to find schools which fitted the original criteria for Minors , e.g. one library division had been fortunate in finding Majors , but began to find it difficult to identify , for Minor recommendation , " schools which have had a degree of interest and success for some years " .
20 The Bank Branches Directive , which is complementary to the Eleventh Directive , sets out the special requirements relating to disclosure of accounting documents by a credit or financial institution which has established a branch in a member state but has its head office elsewhere .
21 Flexibility of approach is important to survival and the practice which has adopted a ‘ managed ’ structure will be best placed to appreciate the changing environment , adapt to it as necessary and implement the changes within the practice .
22 Erm I do a lot of er large goods vehicle training and if you get erm with a very large vehicle thirty eight tonnes , you can not , even with an artic which has got a very good dogleg to get round , you can not do it .
23 An old and convivial haunt which has undergone a number of recent changes but outwardly at least still retains much of its fishing port atmosphere .
24 Pérez promised , however , to promote closer co-operation with the DEA which had opened a branch office in the western city of Maracaibo , but maintained a smaller presence there than in neighbouring countries .
25 Market makers ( and some members of the merged LIFFE/LTOM exchange ) also have special stock borrowing privileges which permit taking a short position in shares .
26 One possible solution might be the creation of country parks like those in Nottinghamshire which have proved a popular and well used resource for urban fringe recreation .
27 When this is translated into indoor office accommodation , it is those complexes which have adopted a planned approach that are deemed most ‘ user friendly ’ .
28 In other words , there are certain roles which are tailor-made for certain people who will go along and just be more or less themselves , and other roles which do require a lot of — if you like — psychoanalysis beforehand to get the most out of the part . ’
29 The case involved sales of Brazilian groundnut extraction which proved to contain a proportion of poison .
30 Because it it 's it 's it 's a I mean frankly it it gives the impression that this remarkable political force which has governed a democracy longer than any other political f party in history , has somehow or other created a new philosophy in the last ten years .
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