Example sentences of "[noun] which [vb -s] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 However , it is completely unreasonable to expect a male horse which has learnt the social behaviour of a stallion to completely change its habits , behaviour , and personality because it is castrated .
2 Other less clear-cut chances were also smashed back by a Springbok side which continues to make the most of their discipline despite having less ball and creating fewer chances than the opposition .
3 He 's named the same side which has started the last three games .
4 He 's named the same side which has started the last three games .
5 They thereby avoid a circularity of reasoning which has plagued the natural rate-NAIRU literature from its earliest days : if a sustained rise in the unemployment rate is not accompanied by an abatement of inflationary pressure , then this literature can admit of only one explanation — that NAIRU , a concept which has often been conflated with that of the natural unemployment rate , must itself have risen .
6 Though they can enjoy the advantages of the single market , they do run the risk of losing the inward investment which has favoured the UK so far .
7 The Secretary for Constitutional Affairs , Michael Sze , said yesterday that he hoped Sino-British talks could start soon to end a long-running row over Hong Kong 's future which has shaken the colony .
8 It might be thought that a programme which proposes to cut the federal workforce by 100,000 over the next four years had scant claim to be a drive for jobs .
9 He practises what he preaches , having spent the past two years actively involved in the East London Partnership , a programme which aims to regenerate the boroughs of Tower Hamlets , Hackney and Newham ( where Tate & Lyle has its headquarters ) .
10 The festival has a rolling programme which aims to take the event — normally attended by 120 young people — all around Scotland .
11 1993 marks the start of an ambitious new preventative health care programme which aims to stem the spread of malaria and AIDS , and SIDT is pinning its hopes for a healthy future on the villagers , whose only option is preventative health care .
12 From a more conventional approach which encompasses land use , maps of soil erosion , and the designation of technically feasible conservation measures which can be accepted within the constraints operating upon land-users — a difficult enough task in itself — an expansion is suggested to the present programme which seems to involve the political economy of the whole world in every instance of soil erosion .
13 This is an integrated programme of research which seeks to investigate the development and implementation of multicultural/antiracist education in different Local Education Authorities and their schools .
14 Again this contrasts with other research which has examined the labour market status of older workers , but which has sampled directly or indirectly among the unemployed ( Hill et al.
15 Previous research which has considered the problem of the blocking of acute beds by inappropriately located patients have related staff views to a length of stay for four weeks ( or more ) ( Coid and Crome 1986 ) .
16 PSD is funded by Bolton & Bury Technical College , acting as the regional office for TEED , the Training & Enterprise Education Department which has succeeded the erstwhile Manpower Services Commission .
17 PSD is funded by Bolton & Bury Technical College , acting as the regional office for TEED , the Training & Enterprise Education Department which has succeeded the erstwhile Manpower Services Commission .
18 The removal of the whitewash which has covered the paintings since the Civil War is being undertaken by English Heritage and the Courtauld Institute 's Conservation Department .
19 Find the torque which tends to align the rotor in the arrangement shown in Fig. 4.20 with 0 = 45° and 135° , ( i ) when the rotor carries no current , and ( ii ) when it carries a direct current of 2 A. The rotor inductance is 1 H and the stator inductance has maximum and minimum values 1 H and 0.2 H. Assume that periodic inductances vary in a sinusoidal manner and that the coils are perfectly coupled when they are in line .
20 If the rotor is slightly displaced from the step position a force is developed between the stator and rotor teeth ( Harris et al. , 1977 ) giving a torque which tends to return the rotor to the step position ; a rotor displacement in the negative direction produces a positive torque and a positive displacement results in a negative torque .
21 I would like to say I 'm deeply grateful to councillor Elaine who wrote a wonderful letter to the director of transportation which has formed the basis of my speech .
22 For example , in the first case , it is the study which aims to isolate the issue ( and so " study " should agree with the verb ) , and not the advertisements which aim to isolate the issue .
23 There has not been a rigorous research study which attempts to relate the cluster of managerial viewpoints concerning strategic uses of information resources and information technology to the information services infrastructure of organisations .
24 Nevertheless , the list of Confluent words which follows disregards the stances involved , which number almost nine thousand and are all named , and merely offers a few definitions , some of which must be regarded as tentative .
25 No other party of the right operating within a mass electoral system has equalled this achievement , and in recent years the only institution which has matched the Conservatives in terms of the monotonous regularity of their success is Liverpool Football Club .
26 Ford has blamed the price increases on the devaluation of the pound which has increased the cost of imported parts .
27 The state is then a complex ‘ institutional ensemble which functions to organise the hegemony within the power bloc of the dominant class by mobilising the active consent of the dominated .
28 The method described in this section has been used by Halilsoy ( 1988 b ) to obtain a class of solutions which appears to generalize the Szekeres solutions .
29 Insulation in lofts which has blocked the natural ventilation of the roof at the eaves can cause condensation and wreak damage as great as the heaviest gales , but with no insurance to cover it .
30 Not the overt power of armies and governments , but the more subtle powers encoded in the social order of modernism which has positioned the experiences of being female , male , black and white , an artist , reader , writer , from First or Third World , as having an immovable and constitutive character .
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