Example sentences of "[noun] which [pers pn] hold [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In 1929 he won his Woodvale seat which he held until his death in 1949 .
2 He returned to the Commons in 1959 as MP for Grimsby , a seat which he held until his death .
3 ’ — Then for your service to me thus far I will confirm you in the offices and estates which you held from Nogai . ’
4 In recognition of his eminence within the trade , the Levant Company elected him assistant in 1653 , a post which he held until 1670 , except for a brief stint as deputy governor in 1661 .
5 After the war Humphrys became political agent , Khyber ( 1919 ) , and deputy foreign secretary of the government of India ( 1921 ) , a post which he held until 1922 , when he was appointed British minister to Afghanistan .
6 In 1920 Desch succeeded J. O. Arnold as professor of metallurgy at Sheffield Univesity , a post which he held until 1932 , when he succeeded another distinguished metallurgist , W. Rosenhain [ q.v. ] , as superintendent of the department of metallurgy at the National Physical Laboratory .
7 Later that month , Takeshita was elected as LDP leader , a post which he held until 1989 when he was forced to resign in the face of the Recruit shares-for-favours scandal .
8 He returned to public life in 1989 during the " velvet revolution " and was elected Speaker of the federal parliament in December 1989 , a post which he held until the June 1992 elections , which he contested as the leading candidate of the small Social Democratic Party in Slovakia [ see p. 38944 ] .
9 By the time these cases were heard Mettingham had replaced the disgraced Thomas de Weyland [ q.v. ] as chief justice of the Common Bench , a post which he held from the beginning of 1290 until the time of his death .
10 But the welfare of home students , as they were known after 1889 , was her particular concern ; in 1894 she was appointed by the AEW as their principal , a post which she held on a voluntary basis until 1921 .
11 In March 1886 she became a columnist for the Illustrated London News , writing the Ladies ' Notes , a post which she held until 1918 .
12 On pain of loss of temporalities which you hold from us , we strongly inhibit you in the council now called at Lambeth from presuming to attempt anything to our prejudice , or that of our realm , or against us or our rights which our predecessors , kings of England , enjoyed by ancient and approved custom , or to assent to any such move .
13 Barthelsson was over the line at the start , put in his 720° turn and still beat Österlund to the first mark , a lead which he held until the end .
14 McNair denies that there is a rule of international law ‘ permitting a State to assign to C rights which it holds under a treaty made with B ’ , and could find no basis for the validity of such a principle .
15 In 1906 Marks successfully stood as Liberal MP for the Launceston and North Cornwall constituency which he held until 1924 .
16 She was so terribly alarmed that the egg which she held in her hand fell into the basin .
17 Her eyes travelled from his face down to the mug which he held in his two hands .
18 After winning scholarships at Winchester and at Balliol College , Oxford , he took a first class in literae humaniores in 1924 and was elected to a fellowship of All Souls which he held till 1945 .
19 For , as with the apple tree leaves , Johnny could see only those things from her world which he held within his hands .
20 I stared at him because he sounded so cold , but he was sitting looking down at the glass which he held on his knees and I could n't see his face .
21 Ultimately the attractiveness of MINIS-type systems to public sector managers lies in the comprehensive picture which they can provide of organizational activities , and also in the potential which they hold for decentralization within departments .
22 ‘ Mortmain' , or dead hand , refers to the fact that the church was an undying institution so that any land which it held in fee ( or freehold ) was never vacated by the death of its owner or came into the possession of a minor or an heiress ; thus it would never revert ( or escheat ) to the chief lord for the duration of the vacancy or minority , so depriving him of the valuable rights of wardship and marriage appertaining to feudal tenure .
23 Again , on 5 June 1286 , Edward performed homage to Philip IV of France , using the words : ‘ I become your man for the lands which I hold from you on this side of the sea according to the form of peace made between our ancestors ’ .
24 In the first of these a group of libraries cooperate because of a factor or factors which they hold in common — usually their subject field or their geographical location .
25 After lighting the gas jets , he also lit a candle which he held above the young man 's face .
26 The Evangelical party will perhaps continue to exalt their hero as partially as parties always do — but the members of it will act thus only so far as they are possessed by party spirit , rather than by the pure spirit of the doctrines which they hold in common with their so-called Catholic opponents , whom adversaries style popish .
27 In 1982 he was appointed a Vice-Chairman of the State Council , a position which he held until his death .
28 In 1604 he was appointed , jointly with Robert Bowyer , keeper of the records in the Tower of London , an office which they held until 1612 .
29 In 1938 he was elected president of the International Youth Hostel Federation , an office which he held for the next twelve years .
30 In the following years many proposals were made for the construction of a railway between Welshpool and Llanfair Caereinion but it was not until 1898 that a company was formed to build the present line and the then Earl of Powis became its Chairman , an office which he held until the grouping in 1922 .
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