Example sentences of "[noun] or [to-vb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Is it strictly true to say that ‘ An act done before the giving of a promise to make a payment or to confer some benefit can sometimes be consideration for the promise ’ ?
2 A family with many sons could farm its land successfully without the burden of paying farm workers and could if necessary send a son to work in the nearest town or city to earn money to pay back debts or to buy more land .
3 The whole thrust of the current strategy whether to increase the number of shareholders or to extend parental choice in education is to strengthen the position of the existing middle class and to bring the ‘ new' technological and service working class within the capitalist net .
4 If approved , such " associations " would have no right to collective bargaining or to initiate industrial action .
5 the main , or one of the main , reasons for the business ' structure was to avoid registration ( not , say , due to the partial exemption rules or to get limited liability protection or facilitate a part sale ) ;
6 You can also use them to compare two similar groups or to follow one group through a period of time and observe any change in attitude .
7 It depends on whether the duty solicitor scheme was set up to help the unrepresented defendant or to diversify criminal work .
8 A grammar could , of course , be used to reject certain word candidates or to assign higher probability to some over others , and thus reduce the number of paths .
9 Decisions to award generous executive bonuses or to provide plush executive dining rooms and executive parking places tell the old story of entrepreneurial heroism .
10 They are capable of moving rapidly across the battlefield in a very short time , either to intercept enemy or to harass static war machines .
11 Other bears will also use tools in captivity ; spectacled bears use leafy branches , provided for them to eat , to knock fruit off overhanging branches or to retrieve floating bread from water .
12 For those not wishing to specialise in statistics , some courses may be taken as options with Mathematics honours or in an ordinary degree ; such possibilities are valuable to those who intend to teach in schools or to take other employment in which they will apply mathematics .
13 This might be to speed the job up to earn a larger bonus or to create some leisure time during the working shift , or to slow the job down so that an impression of busy-ness is created and he is not given further work .
14 For now , resolve to hold your shots only for as long as is needed to allow the audience to take in the details of the scene or to cover interesting action .
15 ‘ Is our school a good school ? ’ is unlikely to draw many negative responses or to provide much insight into the sources of satisfaction or dissatisfaction .
16 The brewers are moving over to leases not to improve the running of their pubs or to offer better service to customers but simply to avoid new government legislation aimed at giving tenants greater protection .
17 It may be an abuse of process if either ( a ) the prosecution have manipulated or misused the process of the court so as to deprive the defendant of a protection provided by the law or to take unfair advantage of a technicality , or ( b ) on the balance of probability the defendant has been , or will be , prejudiced in the preparation or conduct of his defence by delay on the part of the prosecution which is unjustifiable : for example , not due to the complexity of the inquiry and preparation of the prosecution case , or to the action of the defendant or his co-accused , or to genuine difficulty in effecting service .
18 Legislation may therefore have done relatively little to help tied cottagers or to improve low cost agricultural housing .
19 There has been no need to supplement the Chair 's VDU with printers or copiers or to provide expensive video projection or multiple large-screen monitors to allow the whole Committee to view such data .
20 Ian had a decision coming up : whether to fly home from Miami or to get illegal work in the States and travel some more : ‘ I really want to see Alaska . ’
21 His remarks came as Labour employment spokesman , Mr Henry McLeish , denied reports that the party was considering replacing the automatic payment of welfare benefits with a policy which would require many unemployed either to find a job or to accept full-time training or higher education .
22 President Joseph Momoh had appealed for assistance from the United Kingdom and the United States during April , but there were no indications that either country intended to commit troops or to supply lethal equipment .
23 In commercial organisations , the prime aim is usually to maximise the return on capital invested to benefit the owners of the business or to secure further capital necessary for growth .
24 It is no longer possible to either create a toner particle small enough to stick to a single pixel of charge or to maintain that pixel of charge in isolation long enough for the toner , were it there , to stick .
25 I think it would be most appropriate for the local representatives of the Church of Scotland , since the areas are presbyteries , to take the initiative or to give that encouragement without which these local teams will not find a place .
26 The reaction of the more serious dramatists of our era to this public was to appeal to irrelevant moral-religious feelings or to use contemporary material to arouse equally irrelevant socio-political emotions like patriotism .
27 While children are notoriously prone to insert small objects into their ears or noses , the dawn of adult sexual awakening heralds a second phase of insertion in both males and females , at first in an exploratory fashion and then as an adjunct to masturbation or to heighten sexual pleasure .
28 Actions are proceedings where the object is to obtain relief against any person or to compel any person to do or abstain from doing any act ( Ord 3 , r 1 ) .
29 Other than as the objects of an occasional bout of jungle fever , other than to provide local colour or to lend some touch of verisimilitude or to supply a needed moral gesture , humour , or bit of pathos , blacks made no appearance at all .
30 In an eloquent speech he dwelt on the reluctance of the adult deaf to attend divine service or to receive moral instruction and on the " appalling " lack of religious knowledge amongst the younger generation .
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