Example sentences of "[noun] as [prep] [subord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Controller of Audit recently became aware that there is some confusion as to whether debt restructuring is ultra vires Scottish local authorities .
2 There was some scepticism as to whether performance would be good enough in a system built from the bottom up in objects .
3 Also some ratios are fairly crude eg Index of Labour Turnover , which shows the position in gross terms and gives no indication as to whether turnover is spread throughout the organization or is heavily concentrated in one department or in one occupation .
4 At p. 117 , he expressed doubts as to whether money paid in response to an unlawful demand by the Crown could not be recovered in the absence of some threatened action or inaction , but he considered that English authority seemed to say that it was not recoverable .
5 Even though the statutory offence that replaces it reduces the public order characteristics of the offence and raises doubts as to whether affray is properly characterised as a public order offence at all , the likelihood is that it will continue to be employed in the prosecution of spontaneous brawls that result in no great injury in circumstances where the evidence of specific offences against the person is deficient .
6 There have been doubts as to whether crystal settling can explain layering .
7 This is a new departure and a very welcome one , although , as with everything like this , we have our doubts as to whether end users will exercise good taste and discretion in its application .
8 The initial low volume of stock option deals gave rise to doubts as to whether demand existed in the UK for a traded options market .
9 There is , for example , uncertainty as to whether island arcs can be subducted and whether the direction of subduction can be reversed , as illustrated in Figure 3.4 .
10 Although prosecutions are rare , editors require some guidance as to whether action is likely to follow a particular disclosure .
11 But the issue as to whether feminism and Christianity are compatible is not entered upon , let alone shown to be the case .
12 It is however to evade the issue as to whether Christianity and feminism are compatible .
13 5.51 enables a person who intends to carry out Operations on land to apply to the local authority for a determination as to whether planning permission is required .
14 No sooner had the announcement been made than it was withdrawn , pending deliberations by Lincolnshire County Council as to whether subsidisation could be considered as a way of continuance .
15 The question as to whether behaviour was optimal can very quickly be dismissed , particularly on the first repetition .
16 He then turned to the difficult question as to whether land is capable of passing by donatio mortis causa .
17 The main disagreements had centred on the question as to whether banking and securities firms should be allowed to include risk investments ( ie shares in other companies ) , rather than merely cash deposits , when they were declaring the capital on which their financial integrity was assessed for authorization purposes .
18 What I shall want to argue is that their position is caught up in a circular argument : the only reason one could have for wanting to stand in this kind of relationship to biblical women is that one is Christian , but these writers never tackle the prior question as to whether feminism is in fact compatible with Christianity , such that one should want to stand in relationship to biblical women .
19 The nub of the question as to whether feminism is compatible with Christianity is that of whether a Christology can be found of which it may be said that at least it is not incompatible with feminism .
20 The question as to whether time could conceivably exist if there were no ‘ soul , ( or mind ) to apprehend it had been raised , but not answered , by Aristotle , whose definition of time as the ‘ numbering ’ of motion and change in relation to before and after appeared to presuppose the existence of a ‘ soul ’ that contemplates and measures it .
21 From Llewellyn-Jones ' ( 1981a , b ) findings , there must be a question as to whether BSL interpreting is actually occurring most of the time .
22 To assess whether this is an accurate picture it is necessary to address the question as to whether crime itself is predominantly working-class .
23 It gives no guidance as to what is meant by the concept of being reasonably available , yet it is not difficult to imagine circumstances in which there could be bona fide differences of opinion as to whether equipment or staff was reasonably available .
24 As with the latency period , there is some difference of opinion as to whether adolescence can properly be considered as a specific life-state or whether it should be viewed as a largely cultural phenomenon of more " advanced " , or technological , civilisation .
25 When bringing a module back online , LIFESPAN makes no distinction as to whether recovery is carried out from primary or secondary media items .
26 Until late August , however , it remained a matter of disagreement within the international community as to whether force could legitimately be used to enforce UN-backed sanctions against Iraq , without a specific further UN Security Council mandate .
27 The strange behaviour of systems that exhibit quantum effects seems often to challenge common sense , raising questions as to whether quantum theory provides only an incomplete account of nature and some other theory is needed at a more fundamental level , or even whether our concept of reality needs adjusting .
28 It seems also to have been hoped that detailed and embarrassing cross-examination of the complainant as to whether penetration had actually taken place would cease to be necessary with a reform of this kind .
29 Questions are often raised in this respect as to whether disinfection should be carried out at the end of a day , after work or the following morning before work .
30 There is a long-running debate as to whether money for a national campaign should be allocated according to the proportions of a national rate card , or on an ‘ equal-impact ’ basis .
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