Example sentences of "[noun] it [verb] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In my own study it seemed that young women are becoming more critical of ‘ traditional ’ gender roles , but young men are not .
2 In many respects it seemed that feminist aims regarding women 's rights in the public sphere had been achieved .
3 In all directions it seemed that scientific investigation was triumphing over ignorance , and scientific analysis replacing rule of thumb .
4 It has been suggested that in some countries where capital punishment has been abolished the alternative is the imprisonment of murderers under more rigorous conditions than are applicable to other prisoners , but from the information collected by the Select Committee it appears that this suggestion is unfounded .
5 I wish I 'd brought the environment committee before so I could quote from it but from er recollection it says that that organisation did not have a consistent record of producing a significant number of jobs and that the expenditure on funding them did not provide value for money .
6 An an and to speak quite bluntly on the state of the evidence at the moment it seems that that is a very possible end to this case , in which case , in which case the jury wo n't even get round to having this matter .
7 When I consulted a textbook it seemed that these were nuchal organs , important in food detection .
8 At one point it seemed that any would-be London cabbie seeking to learn ‘ the knowledge ’ had only to memorise Ray Davies ' song output in order to locate any part of the Metropolis .
9 Within days of the veto it emerged that four of Bush 's leading donors and fund-raisers were the targets of law suits by federal regulatory authorities over their role in failed Savings and Loans institutions ( " thrifts " ) .
10 However , when there was a conflict it appears that both interpretations were considered , and that it took a considerable amount of time to resolve the conflict .
11 From the evidence it appears that narrow intergenerational patterns of deprivation have been exaggerated : family failure is best understood in the context of the larger problem of social class .
12 On present evidence it appears that Classical Greek craftsmen were the first to employ enamel , but that it was the Byzantine Greeks who carried the craft to a new level of accomplishment in the service of the imperial court and the rituals of eastern Christianity .
13 In cases considered since Roe , the Supreme Court has generally shown more deference to congressional restrictions than to the states ' attempts to overturn Roe , for example it ruled that public funds may not be used for abortions whether therapeutic or non-therapeutic ( Harris v. McRae 1980 ) .
14 In co-evolution terms it means that herbivorous dinosaurs may have grown large as a means of attaining thermal stability .
15 For Rolle it seems that this " sight " can arise from both meditation and prayer , two conditions which look alike in his writing .
16 In this society it follows that real talent goes unrewarded and unflinching purity of soul is automatically derided — on both these counts I am to be numbered among the punished , especially in regard to material goods and services , financial security , the trust and love of friendship , and the divinely counselled companionship of wife and family .
17 In its brief analysis of the impact of the Channel Tunnel it estimated that some £5m passengers ( or 50,000 air passenger movements ) would be diverted to the tunnel in 1995 rising to 6m ( 65,000 movements ) in 2000 .
18 In Germany and north Italy it seems that this never happened .
19 In turn it means that adaptive evolution may be faster than biologists had thought .
20 From the various addresses given on the trade cards of coffin-makers it appears that many were sited off the high streets , yet not so far away as to be inaccessible to their clients .
21 In some debates it appears that traditional farming is regarded as systems of high input of fertilisers and pesticides which started in the 1950 's and are still progressing and developing today .
22 To the sensor it appears that all the energy has been reflected from point P on the ground whereas , in fact , it has not , because some has been scattered within the atmosphere and has never reached the ground at all .
23 At present it appears that local authorities can draw up individual access arrangements with the new owners , but this is not a satisfactory solution , partly because some authorities may not have the motivation to do so , and partly because they are all very short of money and could not back up the agreements financially .
24 Secondly , when the Department asked about the balance and breadth of the curriculum it found that few authorities encouraged schools to discuss the issues and it was mainly through routine visits of advisers that concern for balance and breadth was promoted .
25 In other cases it seems that some assessment was made , at a high level , of the general condition of a school , so that it was considered inappropriate for project status .
26 Taking all age groups it estimated that 74 per cent of women stayed in very or fairly often .
27 With one of the highest rates of college and university entry in the world it appears that those who get to elite positions , do so through individual effort , and merit is thus properly rewarded .
28 From conversations , like this , with Afro-Caribbean pupils it appears that many see a conflict with teachers as an inevitable response to the attitudes held by teachers towards their ethnicity .
29 People will say that they seem to be wishing that the person would hurry up and die , but in reality it seems that this event is the only one that can break the suspended animation of events being acted out in front of them .
30 ‘ Be it known , ’ declared the paraplegic , who had been paralysed irreparably in some nerve-eating attack by aliens , ‘ Õbe it known that some precious organs of the Venerable Dorn have been lost to us utterly during the vast lapse of time .
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