Example sentences of "[noun] it [vb past] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On Afghanistan it welcomed the latest initiative by the UN Secretary General to find a political solution , and supported " the Afghan mujaheddin 's efforts to form a broad-based government " .
2 The incidence of this higher rate of tax — totalling , inclusive of the loan , 25 per cent — is therefore misleading ; in effect it acknowledged the superior position of £40 men while seeking to evade the full implications .
3 At Haringey it needed the direct intervention of council leader Bernie Grant , later to become the first black MP for Tottenham , to change the policy of leaving all investment decisions to the advisers .
4 In the split second it took the cursing Jube to work the action and fire , his target was no longer there .
5 For many women in coal communities it provided the only wage labour available to them , and for the first time it provided wages for the work they 'd always done .
6 In the Zurvanite heresy it became the supreme deity .
7 In co-operation with Finsbury Borough Council it established the first ‘ sheltered ’ work-room where ‘ elderly workers could be employed for two hours a day , on small assembling and packing jobs provided by local firms , paying the fair rate for the work completed ’ .
8 On the grounds of preventing young workers ' wages rising to a level which might price them out of work it scrapped the 1946 Fair Wages Resolution , which required compliance with minimum wage standards for firms trying to secure government and other contracts .
9 The canal was never a commercial success , though it was made deeper after Telford 's death , but it is still open , and in the First World War it served the strategic purpose for which it had not been needed during the Napoleonic Wars : 70,000 mines were shipped through it , mainly by the U.S. Navy , to protect Allied merchant shipping against German U-boats .
10 For Delaunay it was the interaction of colours which produced a sense of form and space in a picture , whereas for Léger it meant the simultaneous presence in a painting of the three pictorial elements of line , form and colour , all used in a system of deliberate contrasts .
11 No longer a mixture of local dialects , Standard English " had emerged " , and the east Midland dialect " had now become " the King " s English ; finally , " through the works of Chaucer it became the literary language of the country " .
12 Replying formally on April 5 , the Supreme Council repeated the call for immediate negotiations , but in conciliatory statements it acknowledged the Soviet leadership 's concern at events in Lithuania , and stressed that it did not seek to sever economic relations and " cultural and human ties " with the Soviet Union .
13 At the top it included the wealthiest landowners and industrialists in the land , such as Edward A. Guinness , brewer , who died in 1927 and left £13.5 million and Sir John R. Ellerman , shipowner and financier , who died in 1933 leaving £36.7 million .
14 Mr Johnson told the court it landed the Financial Times with a phone bill of £705 .
15 In the event it took the two of them , scrambling and sliding downwards beside each other , faces to the rocks , only some five or six minutes to reach the spot where the railing which Sven Hjerson had noticed further along had in fact stopped the couple 's fall .
16 From the beginning it confronted the secular " idle " pastimes of the labouring poor , prohibited them to its followers and generally opposed the " forces of revelry " .
17 The emphatic denigration contained in this locational insult had to be heard to be understood , and in many ways it paralleled the dismissive tone used to deride the ‘ civvy ’ , for nuances of speech and tone have immense meaning to insiders .
18 The second station , the Home Service , was more ‘ serious ’ : for example it carried the main news bulletins that naturally attracted huge wartime audiences .
19 A strong challenge anticipated from the fiercely nationalist and right-wing Serbian Renaissance Movement ( SP0 ) failed to materialize : SPO leader Vuk Draskovic took only 20 per cent of the vote to come second in the presidential election , while his party took only 19 seats in the Assembly ( after winning 13 seats in the first round it fought the second round in coalition with other opposition parties ) .
20 In every area it remained the largest category , although distribution was heavily skewed toward Canning Town .
21 In most regions , the assassination tended to unite the badly fragmented Congress Party , but in a few regions it had the opposite result , which caused that party to gain less ground in those states ) .
22 By the third decade of that century , the idea of a prime minister had emerged and in its first physical manifestation it took the imposing form of Sir Robert Walpole .
23 The poll tax was duly included in the 1987 Conservative election manifesto and after their election victory it became the dominant political issue .
24 The coolly spoken words were like a bucket of ice-cold water thrown in her face , but instead of restoring her composure it had the opposite effect of stoking her anger all the more .
25 For an instant it filled the whole world with noise and fear .
26 In addition it established the European Social Fund ( Arts 123 – 8 )
27 The German government has never spent a lot of money on culture , and after reunification it cut the social , not the cultural , budget which is absurdly low anyhow .
28 A B&Q spokesman said last night : ‘ Because our store was the closest to the viaduct it took the full force of the blast and it could well be that we are talking of a complete demolition .
29 The promotion of ‘ service ’ , mediated via citizenship , was a constant theme throughout the debate on part-time day continuation schools because more than any other single aspect it emphasized the moral value of working conscientiously in a given occupation in order to contribute to the welfare of the community ; hence the importance of creating the ‘ adaptable ’ worker .
30 Stephen said this very seriously but for some reason it made the wedge-faced sergeant guffaw .
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