Example sentences of "[noun] have only [been] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We considered that it would be reasonable to take peptic ulcer in people admitted after 1976 as a proxy for cimetidine use ( bearing in mind that cimetidine has only been available since then ) and to see if peptic ulcer was commoner in people with motor neurone disease than in others .
2 Known as the Cabinet War Rooms , the complex has only been open to the public since 1983 .
3 Conventionally this data has only been available from a separate source/data base .
4 The Glass Pig has only been open a couple of weeks , but it 's already busy and helping to break down barriers .
5 The advantage of negligent misstatement over normal negligence claims is that it can be used where the loss has only been economic , although it is not restricted to this .
6 Its Nine Elms terminal had only been open a week when in 1838 the London and South-Western announced the running of eight special trains on Derby Day to Kingston , the nearest station to Epsom .
7 National data on the proportion of households sharing kitchens , bathrooms , and other amenities have only been available from the census since 1951 .
8 Rektum will spend the money on reassembling their career in a less pressurised climate : up to now their recordings have only been available on bootleg cassettes , while their live performances have taken place exclusively underground .
9 Especially when my own husband has only been dead for just over a week .
10 The swings had gone and the pier had been demolished ; a few years ago the Council had given permission for a café-and-restaurant to be built , but the place had only been open a month when it caught fire and was burned out ; the Fire Brigade could n't get to it , the promenade being too narrow for their vehicles .
11 This legislation had been hailed as a powerful weapon with which to seize drug barons ' fortunes but up to May last year police and Customs investigators had only been able to confiscate £11 million .
12 For hundreds and indeed thousands of years , this knowledge has only been intuitive , passed on from generation to generation .
13 It would be churlish to suggest Lewis fights under a flag of convenience or that his status as world champion has only been able to be enjoyed by default .
14 Bought deals have only been possible with Big Bang and the advent of large well capitalised securities firms , but the risks being taken on are extremely large .
15 For instance , the peasants of the Maramureş to whom Ceauşescu had appealed to preserve their ancient ways had only been able to do so until then because their poor hill-side farms had not yet been collectivized .
16 Although CD-A has only been available commercially since 1983 , we can estimate its likely performance over ten years and use a mix of actual and projected penetrations in our analysis .
17 The man has only been able to provide police with sketchy details of the youths but they spoke with Liverpool accents .
18 Initially , Chilton has only been able to persuade the makers to turn out spools of line with a 70lb breaking strain , strong enough to tow a boat .
19 ‘ It 's none of your damned business ! ’ she snapped half-heartedly , yet his words struck a raw nerve and she almost winced in pain , because Ryan had only been ardent at first ; after that , it had been she who had made the advances .
20 Until now , doctors have only been able to CONFIRM the disease after death .
21 Many of the new innovations have only been possible because of the company 's commitment to total quality management ( TQM ) .
22 But the Americans have only been able to perform this leadership role because other people are paying , without demanding control of the operation .
23 In response , Major has only been able to parrot the phrase that has sustained him since his first day in office : ‘ All the ingredients of recovery are in place … ’
24 The growth of imports has been over 11 per cent p.a. whereas export growth has only been 7.7 per cent p.a. , and if one considers exports and imports of goods other than oil products then the figures are 13 per cent p.a. import growth and 9 per cent p.a. export growth .
25 Hitherto , the central bank had only been able to advise the Treasury on interest rate policy , whereas under the new legislation the bank would be free to set the discount rate itself .
26 In Lewisham an attempt at large scale multi-disciplinary intervention to rehabilitate residents of such a hostel had only been able to move on a fifth of their treatment group after a year ( Timms , 1990 ) .
27 This dastardly Dizzy adventure has only been available on compilation … until now !
28 The McofS has only been involved with two developments so far ( The Kelvin Hall in Glasgow and the Leisure Centre in Dundee — currently being built ) .
29 Julie had only been able to tell him that it was urgent .
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