Example sentences of "[noun] have been part [prep] " in BNC.

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1 March has been part of the Grand Prix racing scene for more than 20 years , but recent lack of sponsorship has meant staff at Bicester have n't been paid for over 5 months .
2 In his time Taylor has been part of the North-East 's industrial traditional first as managing director of the now defunct Head facility at Stockton and later at Aycliffe-based Eaton Axles .
3 Glenrothes College has been part of the general SVQ programme from the start , and , like many piloting centres , we are learning as we go .
4 Ceauşescu had been part of the leadership under Dej which took the decision to press ahead with devoting enormous resources to industrializing Romania against Khruschev 's wishes .
5 There was some speculation that the action had been part of ongoing Israeli efforts to secure the release of servicemen missing in Lebanon .
6 Although Scotland has been part of the United Kingdom for nearly three hundred years , it has never lost its identity as a separate nation , and Edinburgh has remained the centre of its government , church and law , which itself can provide an incentive to study in the capital .
7 Mr Lyons has been part of the team which restructured Labour 's industrial policy , the fruits of which were seen in John Smith 's alternative Budget .
8 Yeltsin assured the miners that the transfer had been part of the pact which he and eight other republican leaders had signed with USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev a week earlier [ see p. 38129 ] .
9 He was troubled by the strange things the Rannoch eagles had said about the Wrath eagles being exterminated and wondered if his own capture had been part of that .
10 But however much that sense of a local spiral of depression exists , there is an ever-present sense that the economic crisis has been part of broader international changes and problems .
11 The hamlet of Thornholme has been part of Burton Agnes parish since time immemorial .
12 At one time the Kaszubians and their Pomeranian kin had been part of a powerful independent principality : their territory had stretched from the gulf of Danzig westwards to Słupsk ( Stolp ) and the river Słupia ( Stolpe ) , where the small town of Dębnica Kaszubska ( literally : Kaszubian Oaks ) still survives .
13 Once again these hidden costs have been part of the investment-need right from the beginning — it is just that they have not been looked at closely enough .
14 The Christmas tree has been part of the festivities in Britain since the last century .
15 The March name has been part of the racing scene for some twenty years , attracting top drivers including Nikki Lauda and James Hunt , and winning three grand prix in the 70s .
16 It has given me great pleasure and pride to have been part of that team . ’
17 Indeed feuds with these families had been part of the staple political diet of the early twelfth-century Dukes , though neither Eleanor 's father nor grandfather can be supposed to have been introducing " Anglo-Norman methods of government " .
18 He 'd been born there and the Burnses had been part of the village for generations .
19 More than likely , Emily 's absence last night had been part of the reason that she had reacted so ridiculously to Alexander Vass .
20 A high regard for ivory has been part of the human heritage since the first appearance of modern man .
21 The June 29 announcement on privatization had been part of a package of economic measures designed to curb the budget deficit in line with the March IMF agreement .
22 In many other trades , crafts and professions , vocational qualifications have been part of their prosperous development and I therefore commend to you that we be attentive .
23 An Ecumenical Jury has been part of the Festival for the past 19 years .
24 The rubbish tip has been part of the scene since we moved to our market street seven years ago .
25 Patronage by the Church has been part of the musical world for centuries , and in the past many of the greatest composers have depended upon it for their livelihood .
26 Among the Library 's most spectacular purchases during the year was a copy of Confessione della fede Christiana di M. Theodoro Beza , Vezelio ( [ Geneva ] , 1560 ) , reliably considered by scholars to have been part of the private library of Mary Queen of Scots .
27 Jill Neville was , and is , a novelist , whose arrival in Britain had been part of an earlier 1960s Australian wave , more tied to bohemianism than to the music and the scene that sucked in Australians in the mid 1960s .
28 Rezzag Bara , chairman of a commission of inquiry into the assassination in June of President Mohammed Boudiaf [ see p. 38981 , said on Algerian television on Dec. 10 that the killing had been part of a wider conspiracy serving the interests of radical Moslem movements .
29 The property had been part of the countess ' lands , and when Risley asked the king 's advice on the matter Edward warned him off : ‘ Risley , meddle not ye with the buying of the said place , for though the title of [ it ] be good in my brother of Gloucester 's hands or in another man 's hands of like might , it will be dangerous to thee to buy it and also to keep it and defend it . ’
30 The property had been part of the countess ' lands , and when Risley asked the king 's advice on the matter Edward warned him off : ‘ Risley , meddle not ye with the buying of the said place , for though the title of [ it ] be good in my brother of Gloucester 's hands or in another man 's hands of like might , it will be dangerous to thee to buy it and also to keep it and defend it . ’
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