Example sentences of "[noun] have been in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Last month Amnesty International called for all charges against him to be withdrawn and concluded : ‘ At every stage the behaviour of the authorities has been in open defiance of the authority of the courts and the rule of law . ’
2 March has been in financial difficulties for some time and does n't have a sponsor for this season .
3 Golding 's own fictional worlds , unlike Amis 's or Murdoch 's , have tended to be enclosed , which may be natural to one whose early experience has been in naval life and schoolteaching ; and unlike theirs , powerfully concerned with the perils of code-breaking and a sense of shame .
4 Probably , for we later read that ‘ want of opportunity has been in some respect a prejudice to my business ’ , and , ‘ the noble act of embalming has been entirely ruined by the undertakers ’ .
5 Wilko said : ‘ David has been in tremendous form in the early games and we can only hope the trouble clears up by Saturday . ’
6 The colt has been in constant demand for the 2,000 Guineas and is a 12–1 chance .
7 Their crushing electoral defeat of 1983 in conjunction with the realisation that their share of the popular vote has been in steady decline since 1951 has , however , forced a reassessment .
8 I think we would be wise to reflect a little longer and to think that perhaps the Government is not so far wrong in what it is saying and I have to say finally My Lords that I never in my public life , or indeed in my private life have met anybody who has said to me that their attitude towards their local police force has been in any way influenced by the fact that the members of the police authority were or were n't democratically elected .
9 The major thrust of this recent research has been in four directions .
10 For some weeks now , Rusty had been in that peculiarly unreal state when words leap out from pages , voices or one 's own thoughts , and rudely rattle their bones about , or shove their meanings under one 's nose like exhibitionists until the meanings themselves vanish in a dance of death .
11 As fast as he undid them I did them up again , so that when he got to my waist and sighed he recoiled with indignation and astonishment to find that his labour had been in vain .
12 The Arab armies that invaded the new Israel were driven out , together with between 500,000 and 700,000 Arab Palestinians whose homes had been in that part of Palestine that was now Israel or in those areas of Arab Palestine that the Israelis captured .
13 At present the advent of the All Blacks is concentrating the national rugby mind wonderfully and all four provinces have been in early-season action .
14 blah , blah , blah , recommended that interview have been in both directions despite in this difficult across , and I could n't say when you could do that at midday , but the implication is you have to do it when you
15 The most dramatic revision has been in western Germany .
16 Just how successful the campaign has been in straight money terms ( costs per account opened ) is unclear but the advertising is undoubtedly asking to have a different relationship with the viewer than the more passive tradition of the medium .
17 Barnes has been in constant contact with England boss Taylor during his rehabilitation .
18 One important application for Markov models has been in automatic speech recognition ( ASR ) in which a speech signal is modelled as a probabilistic function of a ( hidden ) Markov chain .
19 Massett has been in great form all season , a fact not lost on his boss Joe Gibiliru .
20 It has opened a preliminary EOS Europe office and its EOS Korea has been in full operation for six months .
21 It has a preliminary EOS Europe office and EOS Korea has been in full operation for six months .
22 Mr Steisel says City Hall has been in close contact with it from the start .
23 The Jamaican born bowler has been in superb form in the Cheltenham Festival … on Wednesday his bowling against Essex could swing the match .
24 The King of the Tipsters has been in unstoppable form since he struck with another 4-1 shot , Pursuit Of Love , at Doncaster last week .
25 Dr Curtis had been in four times .
26 In July , Tilden Barham , the Battle relieving officer , was carried out of the parish as his Brede counterpart had been in 1830 , a fate shared with the officer at Willingdon , who was led out by jeering women and children .
27 The local authority appealed against the orders and sought an interim care order on the grounds that ( 1 ) the justices had erred in law when they had made the order preventing the parents from having contact with each other as contact between adults was not a step which could be taken by a parent in meeting his responsibilities towards his child and thus fell outside the terms of section 8(1) of the Children Act 1989 ; ( 2 ) there had been no application for a section 8 order and before exercising powers under section 10(1) ( b ) of the Act of 1989 the justices should have invited the parties to make representations , and the failure to do so was a material irregularity ; ( 3 ) the justices , having found as a fact that the parents had been in continuous contact and there were grounds for believing that the children would suffer harm , had been plainly wrong in refusing to make the interim care order in respect of both children in that they had failed to have regard to the facts that both parents had colluded over injuries to D. , the mother had lied when she had stated that there had been no contact with the father , the father had been in breach of a bail order there had been a violent incident on 23 November 1991 which had involved both parents , the mother had refused to be accommodated with the children in a mother and baby home , and the mother had changed her mind about the adoption of R. ; and ( 4 ) in all the circumstances the order which would have been in the best interests of the children and which the justices should have made was an interim care order .
28 It is further urged upon me that the justices , having found as a fact that the parents had been in continuous contact with each other , and the justices being satisfied that there were grounds for believing that both the children were likely to suffer significant harm , which was a specific finding that they made , they were plainly wrong in refusing to make an interim order in that they first of all failed to have regard to the fact that the parents had colluded over the cause of D. 's injuries , and there was evidence to that effect ; secondly , that the mother had lied to social services , Dr. Barnardo 's and the guardian about having had at the relevant times no contact with the father — and that is indeed what the mother has done , she has lied ; and , thirdly , that the father had been in breach of a term of the bail conditions which had been imposed upon him , not only on 23 December 1991 but ever since his release in as much as he had visited and contacted the mother .
29 The research of Jane Rowe and Lydia Lambert , published in Children Who Wait in 1973 , showed us how inadequate our work had been in that respect .
30 She supposed most normal people in a situation like the one she and Alan had been in all day , would have ended up in bed together , here in this comfortable bed at Rose Cottage .
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