Example sentences of "[noun] have been [v-ing] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The rumblings that Intel Corp has been having more problems successfully fabricating the Pentium chip than it has been prepared to discuss have erupted again , and our sister paper Unigram.X today reports that Pentium has been hit by another round of serious availability problems because of poor yields .
2 VAUXHALL has been giving more details of changes and additions to its range for the sales year .
3 This is some four times faster than the 1mm per year or so at which global sea level has been rising this century .
4 Test kits to hand , Ian has been monitoring most of our tanks , with startling results .
5 Wetland cultivation during Classic Maya times has been attracting much archaeological attention in recent years .
6 Sir Stafford had been searching all night and finally came so close that he heard the child crying :
7 For behind the public posturings , there 's no doubt that both of these gentlemen have been having more than a little local difficulty with their respective parties .
8 Competition is cut-throat and it seems some of the designers have been taking some dodgy tabs ( or suffering from over-worked stress syndrome ) , as the high-top becomes more and more ridiculous .
9 Although he has yet to win since his comeback , The Committee 's performances have been improving most of the time .
10 Alexei has been diverting all his energy towards our venture .
11 THE Bill Wells Octet has been exploring some unusual stylistic directions in the context of the Scottish jazz scene , but this appearance did not live up to expectations .
12 Russia has been showing former dissidents and émigrés in Moscow 's and St Petersburg 's best museums but almost all the exhibitions have had Western sponsors .
13 The Metropolitan Museum has been examining some of its most treasured paintings with the aid of the latest technology , and it has come up with a result which confounds the hitherto accepted history of art .
14 Police said that their two accomplices arrested in Ireland had been carrying several addresses of safe houses in France .
15 He had spent many pleasant evenings here ; and Catherine 's parents had been trusting enough to withdraw to the morning room , leaving them alone together .
16 Oh , crumbs , Leith thought , and , while knowing Rosemary to be a highly intelligent girl , had a most worrying feeling that her parents had been putting some hard groundwork in on the proposition that , once married , women were n't supposed to have friends !
17 Jake had been hurling these same insults at her now for years , and by now she ought to be totally immune to them .
18 It had struck her that perhaps that was where Jake had been going that night he 'd called her from Heathrow Airport — on a secret brief honeymoon with Janice after a quick , quiet register office wedding .
19 Aplin had been asking many questions about Putt , not only in connection with the robberies but with the rape of Anna too .
20 However , she pointed out that as far back as 1980 , the Sports Council had been recommending all governing bodies to charge a minimum subscription of £2.00 per person .
21 US negotiators had been seeking such an agreement since shortly after Endara 's government was installed following the overthrow of the Noriega regime by US military intervention in December 1989 .
22 Burn had been ploughing that May afternoon and was leading his horses back to the field after his tea .
23 Subjects of the King of England had been doing this in Ireland ever since Strongbow 's invasion in 1169 .
24 The device worked exactly as DeVore had said , but the truth was that he had access only to Tongjiang , and that only because Hans Ebert had been daring enough to take the thing in , risking the possibility that an over-zealous officer might search him , Tolonen 's favourite or no .
25 Since the 1950s parents have been accumulating more ( and always better ) consumer goods , domestic appliances , automobiles and luxuries .
26 Millions of parents have been saying this for months .
27 Together Skylark have been bringing this music far beyond these shores , to Europe , America and even Australia , so it 's a delight to welcome them back to the Harp Folk Club after an absence of five years .
28 If Barnes is this irreplaceable in the nation 's best club side it again raises the question of what England have been missing all these years .
29 Tod 's been doing this quite a bit lately — grunting : Shtib .
30 It is as much as US companies have been spending each year to advertise cigarettes …
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