Example sentences of "[noun] to [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know your name , but I want to thank you for your kindness to me on the night I left Weatherbury .
2 ‘ It was a big deal to me at the time , ’ Maria snapped , her tolerance of his perpetual self-absorption vanished along with her brilliant mood .
3 Anecdotes that bolster self-image reveal a great deal to you about the speaker .
4 ‘ Stotting ’ has a certain ring to it for the waterfall-collection game .
5 The story has a familiar ring to it in the sense that women are seldom encouraged to be in top positions at work the world over .
6 The tape has been offered to a number of research institutions who have agreed to provide feedback to us on a pilot basis .
7 Er and you 'd get some feedback to us from the Neighbourhood Watch point of view er and it 's not peculiar to Neighbourhood Watches but er from , from your point of view you also have access to the police in that er eventually there should be a liaison built up , not overnight I mean it wo n't , it wo n't happen tomorrow morning either , but there 'll be a lia liaison between the , the local police officer and yourselves er and if there 's any problems that you may have , you know and you 'll be able to communicate back to them .
8 And I think even while we 'd been in Opposition , remember no one knew whether we were going to win or not , it surprised many people when we did , there had been some sort of discreet across-the-fence interest at the professional Civil Service level in some of the concepts that we were developing and I 'd made it a point of writing the occasional pamphlet as our thinking went along to send out smoke signals to everyone including the civil servants as to what we were about .
9 Maybe he would show Eleanor to her as a sample of the younger woman who was not a gold-digger .
10 This may well have been due to the satisfaction he had been deriving from the composition of East Coker , though he made no mention to me of the new poem .
11 The poem was the finest Wordsworth had yet written , and , coming so soon after his departure from Alfoxden , suggests that the loss to him of the Quantock countryside had been of little real significance .
12 But even as she made to turn away , his arms slid around her and she closed her eyes to everything but the sheer beauty of his kiss , the exquisite torture of his lips moving over her own , the hard strength of his body pressed against hers .
13 Her defiance gave her the courage to lift her eyes to his for the first time , and she saw the surprise and sudden uncertainty that flashed across them .
14 Angel did not mind , because he was planning to introduce Tess to them as a d'Urberville as well as a dairymaid , some months later .
15 An extremely fat and gummy bus conductress wobbles and frets and poddles and wets on the opposite seat to me of the bus 's lower , non smokers deck in fierce counterpoint to the holey road beneath .
16 Although the therapist was probably correct in initially providing a chance for Pamela to express her worries to someone outside the family , she should have progressed as soon as possible to helping Pamela and her parents tackle together the problems surrounding their communication and lack of mutual trust .
17 It gave him a qualm to realise that a large part of his need to see her again stemmed from her usefulness to him as a go between .
18 They must be considered reasonable by the parties to them at the time of entering into the contract and they must also be seen as reasonable from an objective point of view .
19 Where a plaintiff 's claim arises out of a hire-purchase agreement , but is not for the delivery of goods , he shall in his particulars state in the following order : ( 1 ) the date of the agreement and the parties to it with the number of the agreement or sufficient particulars to enable the debtor to identify the agreement ; ( 2 ) where the plaintiff was not one of the original parties to the agreement , the means by which the rights and duties of the creditor under the agreement passed to him ; ( 3 ) whether the agreement is a regulated agreement and , if it is not a regulated agreement , the reason why ; ( 4 ) the place where the agreement was signed by the debtor ( if known ) ; ( 5 ) the goods let under the agreement ; ( 6 ) the amount of the total price ; ( 7 ) the paid-up sum ; ( 8 ) the amount ( if any ) claimed as being due and unpaid in respect of any instalment or instalments of the total price ; and ( 9 ) the nature and amount of any other claim and the circumstances in which it arises .
20 Why devote a chapter to him in a book which explicitly encourages its readers to pay attention to this music ?
21 The decision to accord a full chapter to it in the Constitution on the Church , and prior to that on the hierarchy , was symbolically one of the most important the Council ever took .
22 ‘ Yes , ’ Fabia agreed , but what was more than obvious to her , with Ven stressing , ‘ specifically ’ stressing , that Lubor talk to her on an impersonal basis only , was that he still did n't trust her not to ask personal questions about him .
23 It is an important point of reference to banks because it is probably the best indication to them of the cost of raising immediate marginal funds .
24 As members of a Pathfinder Squadron they were allowed to wear a small brass albatross on their left breast pocket , immediately under their wings , and this was the only indication to anyone outside the RAF that they were in any way out of the ordinary .
25 Janice sends very many thanks to everyone for the lovely flowers she received while in hospital recently and thanks also to the super evening she spent at Avery Hill Easter Party .
26 In the meantime , thanks to him for the loan of this lovable and interesting guitar .
27 This concludes Mr Birdwood 's article and again many thanks to him for the talk he gave last March and for permission to reprint same .
28 At the Redoubt Mr Major told the 2,400 troops including those from the Cheshire Regiment and Royal Engineers : ‘ I wanted to see what was happening on the ground and particularly to express my thanks to you for the work you are doing .
29 At the Redoubt Mr Major told troops including those from the Cheshire Regiment and Royal Engineers : ‘ I wanted to see what was happening on the ground and particularly to express my thanks to you for the work you are doing .
30 All the services listed offer free guidance to anyone over the age of 19 who has been away from education for a significant period .
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