Example sentences of "[noun] have come into [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The question of the level of resources that should be invested in Scotland 's underwater heritage has come into focus with the rediscovery of an historic shipwreck off Duart Point in Mull .
2 A new pelican crossing has come into use at the junction of King 's Road and Cromwell Street , North Ormesby .
3 It also sold the existing warehouse at Acton which has been under-used since the main London warehouse has come into operation .
4 Will he refute the Prime Minister 's suggestion that inward investment has come into Wales as a result of lower personal taxation ?
5 The polytechnics were having to carry into the 1970s a defence and assertion of their particular — though not necessarily homogeneous — values and procedures , and in doing so made necessary a constant reaffirmation of the vocational or service roles that had aroused fierce passions throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries as new institutions and new sectors had come into existence in many countries .
6 Computers have come into schools both at secondary level and primary level .
7 But the publicity machine had come into operation and nothing would stop it .
8 This body in turn can not compel the tip 's owners to clean up the area until regulations provided for in the 1990 Environmental Protection Act have come into force , which may not be until at least 1993 .
9 After much prayer with ‘ application interview procedure ’ a team has come into formation .
10 If the patient hesitates before each answer , wondering whether or not his imagination has come into play , he will be quite unable to be spontaneous and will in fact break the train of the regression completely , often bringing the session to an end .
11 Fred has come into money , since his aunt has left him £5,000 .
12 But , once a new self-replicating molecule had come into existence , a new kind of cumulative selection could get going .
13 A couple of years earlier Wayne had come into conflict with director John Huston when they made The Barbarian and the Geisha in 1957 .
14 They will brighten the garden , produce leaf and die down again often before other plants have come into growth .
15 Companies have shouldered too much debt , to play their own financial games or to avoid being taken over ; the balance of risk and reward has become skewed ; the ethics of advisers and intermediaries have come into question ; the market has departed from good sense and sound financial principles , and has passed , with Alice , into a looking-glass world in which words , prices and obligations mean only what people claim they mean , nothing more .
16 The world 's first commercial power station fuelled by chickens has come into operation at Eye in Suffolk .
17 There was a puzzle about how this bleak , broad-browed carved head had come into existence , since there also existed a photograph of the poet in his last sleep , still patriarchally bearded .
18 My figures show that although there were 34,000 business failures in the first nine months of this year , every week 1,000 new businesses have come into existence under the enterprise allowance scheme alone .
19 The Cross and the Centaur are now high in the south , so that Achernar is low down ; Scorpius has come into view .
20 And Joe has come into school with a .
21 Conditions Subsequent to the Policy — These are Conditions which relate to the conduct of the Insured after the policy has come into force .
22 As he left the studio after the interview his well-programmed defence mechanism had come into operation , and he had pushed the painful memories into a corner of his brain where his conscious mind could not reach them .
23 He then paid tribute to the Alresford Society , pointing out that when they started pushing for environmental improvements in the 1970s , it was before conservation had come into fashion .
24 ‘ I am delighted that Britain has come into line with all other major Western democracies and given the vote to its citizens who live and work abroad , ’ Sir James said .
25 By summer evenings the Great Bear is descending in the north-west , while Leo has almost gone ; the Square of Pegasus has come into view in the east .
26 Boar has come into fashion in recent years as farmers diversify to beat the recession .
27 No second army has come into Lothian .
28 BIRMINGHAM 'S ROLE as 1992 European City Of Music has come into question after the local council served an injunction on one of its own venues last week , preventing promoters from putting on live shows .
29 It is clear that the writer of that letter did not consider that the conference had changed the situation or that any legitimate or other recognisable government had come into existence as a result .
30 By then it was inevitable , given such wide terms of reference and the thoroughness expected of an inquiry by a Royal Commission , that its report could not be completed and delivered until after a General Election had taken place and , as it turned out , a new Government had come into power .
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