Example sentences of "[noun] have [vb pp] me [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Advice from England No 2 Lawrie McMenemy has helped me survive my first crisis as a manager .
2 He says the course has helped me get to grips with the kids otherwise they 'd run wild .
3 AIDS has made me think twice about how safe the whole thing is .
4 I supported the lifting of sanctions , but the avalanche of death and blood has made me realise we 've all been conned ’ .
5 The sight of that blood has made me feel a whole lot better .
6 That break had made me realise I was n't in control of my career .
7 ‘ The lads have made me feel very welcome , which is important .
8 ‘ My work has helped me appreciate dogs a lot more , ’ Keith explained .
9 ‘ Being with England has made me realise what I have missed ’
10 I suppose having my hands in my pockets has made me think about this .
11 My previous experiences had made me wonder if white policemen did n't get a kick out of black policemen investigating black citizens .
12 All the doctors , psychiatrists and groups I 'd been to so far for help had made me feel worse than ever : could she be any different ?
13 Eva could be snobby , that was obvious , but if I saw something , or heard a piece of music , or visited a place , I would n't be content until Eva had made me see it in a certain way .
14 The crime of syphilis had made me ban sex from my mind for weeks ; now I was found not guilty half an hour with a textbook Conchis had given me to look at had convinced me his diagnosis was right — the libido rose strong .
15 he could wander rou , if only Joey had let me do more
16 I might have felt a little downcast at that point , only the evening had made me feel more encouraged about my prospects with her than I 'd felt for some time .
17 My mother had intended no lewdness , but the connotations of her remark had made me feel a greater , more immediate sense of defilement than that which I already experienced .
18 What I am going to miss is the opportunity to pontificate in peace , without let or hindrance , as Punch has let me do for eight years .
19 Nicola had made me go and see if he was okay and I said yes he was , because I 'd seen his eye move and I left him there .
20 She did n't say why , but went on : " Seeing you two with that bit of a tree 's made me feel like celebrating .
21 Fox 's example has made me think again .
22 Then , a long-standing commitment had seen me jet off abroad … to disaster .
23 Disclosing what 's happening to you can make you feel better and , as described earlier in this chapter , it can also raise your status : ‘ I feel quite tongue-tied in this company ’ or ‘ That comment 's made me go quite red ! ’
24 Winning the competition has made me realise while driving I have something to live up to .
25 Visits to sports grounds in London and Birmingham had made me realize just how many second generation black kids were following the likes of Hope and Cunningham and channelling their efforts into sport .
26 Half the racing world had seen me pick up Nolan and knew I could defend myself .
27 Was that why Benjamin had let me go ?
28 These new men have made me see form , have made me more conscious of the sky where it juts down between houses , of the bright patterns of sunlight which the bath water throws up on the ceiling , of the great ‘ Vs ’ of light that dart through the chinks over the curtain rings , all these are new chords , new keys of design .
29 Once Nour had made me laugh , but then I had laughed — like the nuns — more from happiness than mirth .
30 I had wanted to be a nun before Nour had made me love him with his golden hair and his golden face and his golden eyes .
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