Example sentences of "[noun] have [adv] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 The Ministry of Agriculture has now concluded that there is virtually no problem from salmonella in eggs ; and what problem there is will not be eased by going around the country slaughtering flocks of hens .
2 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp has now confirmed that it hopes to reduce its workforce by 33,000 positions by the end of March 1997 .
3 Microsoft Corp has now confirmed that general availability of NT has slipped into 1993 — January or February , it says .
4 In a reversal of policy , British Rail has also accepted that conventional trains can take bends faster .
5 British Rail has long argued that most passengers travelling to and from King 's Cross will do so by public transport .
6 British Rail has consistently argued that people will get off the channel tunnel trains and get on to one of the five underground lines going through King 's Cross station , and that that will somehow solve the problem of increased passenger traffic .
7 The Catholic Christian has perhaps decided that the protestant sees the sacrament merely as a memorial service , witnessing to an event in the past .
8 Whilst ICL has duly announced that it is to support Santa Cruz Operation 's SCO Unix MPX for multi-processing , Open Desktop environment and the SCO communications suite on its Intel Corp 80486-based personal computers , the OfficePower-on-SCO validation work — see above — was actually carried out on an Apricot Computers Ltd box .
9 The psychoanalyst J. A. Hadfield has brilliantly shown that the trouble with this type of approach , even with material from one 's own culture , is that it is essentially arbitrary .
10 Professor Christie has even suggested that they played a sufficiently significant part in the lives of " multitudes of craftsmen and artisans " to take the edge off the development of revolutionary consciousness .
11 The Scotsman has also established that consultants helping put the finishing touches to a feasibility study on Rosyth for Medway Ports have also been acting for Scottish Enterprise .
12 ‘ But the Führer has always said that he has no ideological quarrel with England . ’
13 The discovery of colourants , flavour enhancers and emulsifiers has unfortunately meant that processed and ready made food can contain ingredients of substandard quality and nutritional value .
14 This is particularly necessary , given that Moscovici has repeatedly stressed that there is a theory of social representations ( Moscovici , 1983 , 1985 ) .
15 Mr Bergg has now decided that it was the first and last .
16 Dr Snell has recently suggested that on the evidence of apprenticeship indentures women and girls were bound to a range of occupations in the early and middle years of the eighteenth century from which they were later progressively excluded as capitalistic developments took more work from the home and as population growth accelerated to flood the labour market .
17 Both companies issued statements saying that there was no conclusive evidence that television could affect behaviour in the manner suggested , but Mrs Whitehouse has still claimed that the coverage in the following days had been considerably transformed , using ‘ stills ’ rather than action sequences , and long shots rather than close-ups .
18 Preparing to split itself into two separate businesses , ICI has belatedly recognised that drastic action is needed to sharpen its focus , quicken management responses and increase shareholder value .
19 Parliament has now recognised that local authorities should be left to judge for themselves what local legislation is desirable , but in a tidying-up process all powers under local Acts in force on 1st April 1974 which were not preserved by subsequent general or local legislation automatically expired at the end of 1984 .
20 The Dutch parliament has recently decided that owners of contaminated sites should aim to clean them up to a level that is suitable for any use , but has accepted that where such a policy is uneconomic , it would be sufficient to isolate , control and monitor the land .
21 A lack of mobility on the part of many within the cities has inevitably meant that an increasing number of those remaining are in some way disadvantaged ( Redfern , 1982 ; Office of Population Censuses and Surveys , 1984 ) .
22 Baker has also said that every system must be compatible , through its head end , with the trunk networks laid by British Telecom and its private sector competitor , Mercury .
23 In fact , Mr Manning has repeatedly stated that he and the party would much prefer that Quebec remain as part of Canada , but not at any price .
24 British Aerospace has already admitted that Rover 's assets were undervalued by £350 million at the time of the takeover .
25 Experience has also shown that the same samples can have different appearances under CL in machines from different manufacturers .
26 Experience has also shown that adherence to the design programme is more likely to be achieved if discussions and decisions at progress meetings are confirmed to refining plans for future action , drawing on lessons learnt from past experiences .
27 Experience has however shown that the sooner these letters are written providing the above information the better are the prospects of success .
28 British Nuclear Fuels has always denied that its operations cause the sort of dangers alleged by its critics , and affirmed that its discharges and exposure levels are kept within the limits laid down by the regulatory authorities .
29 The industrial relations literature has long noted that high levels of membership are ‘ predominantly sustained by informal group pressures from workmates ’ ( Brown and Wadhwani , 1990 , p. 14 ) .
30 However , Norwich Union has publicly stated that it intends to devote a greater part of its investments to fixed interest securities .
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