Example sentences of "[noun] have [been] use in " in BNC.

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1 Since 1988 the Doppler technique has been used in diagnosing vascular malformations .
2 5 The same broken punch for the letter N has been used in the word TRANSENS on the die for a gold noble of Edward IV ( 1461–83 ) ( opposite ) and in the word LONDON on the die of a half-groat of the same king ( opposite below , and above ) .
3 The term has been used in diverse ways .
4 The latter is composed of a penis which is usually unpaired ( but may be double , as in the Ephemeroptera and some Dermaptera ) and a pair of more lateral structures which are perhaps best referred to as parameres , though this term has been used in several different senses .
5 But in practice force has been used in self-defence with commanders arguing there are too few troops to be involved in guerrilla warfare .
6 Activated carbon has been used in groundwater remediation to aid the overall process .
7 what methods had been used in the review ;
8 A Ruger revolver found in a hedgerow near the car had been used in Mr McTasney 's murder , the court heard .
9 When asked in 1983 to conduct a similar investigation of the purported Hitler diaries of 1932 and 1935 , Grant found that high grade waste paper containing an optical brightening agent had been used in the pulp and these were not in use at the alleged time .
10 However , following allegations in the Congress by the Movement towards Socialism ( Movimiento al Socialismo — MAS ) of indiscriminate gunfire by the police and the Army in the slums , and of the execution of 19 people and other reports alleging that torture had been used in detention and that people had gone missing , a parliamentary commission claimed that over 600 were killed in Caracas alone and that 7,000 people were in detention ( compared with the official figure of 1,000 ) .
11 There was a hint that the threat of revocation had been used in this and other communications with difficult councils .
12 It was denied that force had been used in the initial operation .
13 By 1987 the numbers were so huge that the ability of the West to take in all comers was strained No force had been used in last week 's operation , he insisted .
14 Even so , the guidelines have been used in other cases as factors to be considered where the statute applies ( see Woodman v Photo Trade Processing Ltd reported by Lawson in ( 1981 ) 131 NLJ 933 , at p935 ) .
15 I have heard it suggested that there is some danger that prospective buyers might be put off by the idea that their units have been used in this way .
16 All these methods have been used in nurse education in recent years and reflect the student-centred approaches being adopted by many nurse educators .
17 Such chalets have been used in other parts of the country and are also common on the continent .
18 Classic medallion style designs have been used in the ballroom with a section that can be removed to reveal a dance floor between sets of marble pillars .
19 Indeed it is possible to circumvent the argument that the cadavers needed for educational purposes involve substantial extra killing since tissue is regularly collected from abattoirs or from research laboratories where the animals have been used in licensed procedures .
20 Vitrinite reflectance data have been used in structural studies with the principal applications being the estimate of removed overburden at unconformities and the recognition of repeated section caused by faults ( Dow , 1977 ) .
21 The state apparatus is subject to scrutiny and investigation by joint party-state control committees responsible for rooting out inefficiency , red tape , departmentalism , localism , embezzlement and corruption ; and for checking that governrnent funds have been used in ways intended by government policy .
22 His work has been used in promotional material and featured in regional Catholic publications .
23 Customs officers say it 's the first time European green law has been used in Britain this way .
24 For over five thousand years , Ginseng has been used in the East as a natural tonic .
25 But already in the early years of his pontificate , before he was master of the enlarged Papal State from Radicofani in the north to Ceprano in the south , mercenaries had been used in the campaign against Markward of Anweiler , who was fighting the imperial cause in Italy between 1199 and 1201 ; five hundred at one time and possibly as many as 2000 .
26 This is the first time the 'chutes have been used in Britain since the fire .
27 While ceilings have been used in the past ( for example , in the late 1960s ) , after the introduction of the Competition and Credit Control System in 1971 , their use was discouraged .
28 Manometry , electromyography , and scintiscanning have been used in adults in the investigation of colon motility but only recently have these been extended to the study of paediatric patients .
29 Countless pieces of high tech electronic equipment have been used in the construction of the Taste Sensation sequence , which runs on a continuous programme and lets six new visitors in at two minute intervals .
30 This again correlates with the citation data for these universities , indicating that the research produced in these universities has been used in some measure by other workers , who have acknowledged that use by citations .
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