Example sentences of "[noun] have [been] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This siter has been here a long time and is part of the area .
2 Its defence has been largely the concern of other powers since the fall of Singapore in 1942 ; and the British independent nuclear deterrent is no more than a phrase , since it is not independent and , as the Falklands crisis of 1982 showed , it does not deter .
3 Unveiling the 28th edition , associate editor Alison Holding said : ‘ The recession has been quite a leveller .
4 The upshot of the erm the year of course has been rather a healthy lot of financial ratios .
5 Erm , er I 'll I 'll close it at two , but perhaps I could ask the the applicants erm , I mean I appreciate that obviously erm it er it economy in in in obviously in what you 're doing , but I think it it it would be fairly obviously to , I mean it 's been stated that that that that residents nearby would prefer either two bungalows or a house and a bungalow , and I think er that certainly erm new developments adjacent to where you are proposing these are in fact all bungalows , er with the exception of the mill , which of course has been there a long time , er all those on that side of the road , both those two built and those two proposed are a bungalow or a semi bungalow , er and so erm you can see that obviously it is that the height of these buildings , it is erm causing the offence , largely , erm I I think , I mean obviously you will want to main you know , optimize your er development , but whether er a scheme with two bungalows that they would n't be four bedroomed bungalows , because there would n't be room for two of the four two four bedroomed bungalows , erm
6 Of course debate about the National Curriculum has been around a lot longer , but its popularisation and public debate is a relatively recent phenomenon .
7 As far as I am concerned , Bergman has been officially a man since the end of the Upper Removes .
8 After David had been there a couple of weeks , I used to go off doing odd bits of work in London , working as a journalist , although I was n't very keen on that side of my life at the time — there were other things that interested me more .
9 The access times considered in this chapter have been simply the time taken to position the device access mechanism to read or write a selected record .
10 The Earth and the Moon are so close together that it has been estimated that the exposure of both planets to asteroids and comet debris has been much the same .
11 Sicily has been both the home and haven of the Mafia because politicians throughout Italy have found it convenient to tolerate , rather than prosecute , its activities .
12 A demand for dolphin meat for human consumption has been only a recent trend , but high transport costs from the remote Iki Island made the export of edible dolphin meat uneconomic .
13 For centuries the practice of philosophy has been overwhelmingly the prerogative of men but it is only recently that feminist analysis has made it possible to see the distorting effect of this historical fact .
14 All of that had changed in the course of five minutes in the ancillary staff 's locker room , and the sense of betrayal had been exactly the same .
15 At that time she had known few people in the district , for they were among the first of the incomers , and Camille had been only a baby with the consequent ailments , accidents and dissatisfactions .
16 He had heard so much about it from the Queen Mother — who as a child had been there every year — and from so many other people that he had felt it was a part of his education that was sorely lacking .
17 Up to this period , mining had been essentially a hand-craft where , as in farming , man-power and horse-power had been the chief means of winning the product .
18 The mainland campaign had been just a foretaste of what might be coming , he said .
19 The mainland campaign had been just a foretaste of what might be coming in the next two months , said RUC Chief Constable Sir Hugh Annesley .
20 In practice , matters have been quite the reverse .
21 If the last two decades have been just a trifle one-sided , before that the competition was excellent , with first one side holding sway and then the other , which is as it should be .
22 Wynne Godley has been consistently the gloomiest economist operating in Britain , believing that the UK economy is suffering from severe structural weaknesses , and it will remain locked in a low growth and high unemployment pattern for years .
23 Behind that long , happy record has been unquestionably the influence of Caroline .
24 In the Highlands the process has been all the more hurtful because the usurpers have so often been outsiders with grandiose ambitions .
25 And that the business has been predominantly the nature of business has been predominantly manufacturing .
26 The London period had been primarily a test of willpower and improvisation .
27 But poverty had been just a word , an image on a screen — until now .
28 Ensign Piper had been only a short time in Australia when he volunteered for duty in the convict settlement on Norfolk Island .
29 looks at its long history , in which the last five years have been arguably the most dramatic , part of a transformation which is by no means over .
30 Our fund-raising has been just a little slower during the current year after the bumper total achieved in 1985 , but nevertheless it has been most gratifying that we continue to receive contributions from so many classes over a very wide area .
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