Example sentences of "[noun] have [verb] for this " in BNC.

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1 This page enables you to view what assessment , if any , the specified user has made for this DC .
2 Not surprisingly a strong field has assembled for this last tournament of the year in Britain .
3 Now some of the schools have asked for this spa , this by the way is belongs to the school .
4 Keegan said : ‘ A lot of people appreciate what Mick has done for this club .
5 The Council recently decided that all such doctors should pass the PLAB test as a precondition of obtaining limited registration unless they have obtained exemption from the test by one of the routes that the council has approved for this purpose .
6 Parents had fought for this as a local resource to prevent the need for children to be placed in long-stay placements far from home .
7 Now , each householder or tenant in a Scottish Homes estate in West Lothian has to pay for this service as well their poll tax .
8 If she would like the family and close friends to gather together for a meal or light refreshments after the service and committal , you will of course have prepared for this beforehand .
9 How we need to pray that for each new church planted there will be those who understand this need and whom God has gifted for this task : to let the scriptures speak , and through the scriptures to let Jesus speak .
10 His father had provided for this title to pass to Charles if his brother inherited the earldom of Arundel ; but when this occurred in 1677 Henry refused to give up the title , and Charles took the case to Chancery , in 1682 obtaining a celebrated decision in his favour by Heneage Finch , first Earl of Nottingham [ q.v . ] .
11 In the course of time the Mercian kingdom also came to embrace much of the territory , for example , of the Wocensaete or Wreocensaete , who took their name from the Wrekin and dominated the north Shropshire plain , and it would probably be the case , if charter-material had survived for this area of north-west Mercia analogous to that which has survived for the Hwicce , that kings of the Wreocensaete emerged in varying degrees of dependence on or subjection to the Mercian ruler .
12 Now , incorporated in these charges there 's a litter collection , so if litter is dumped on District Council ground , but they wo n't it at the Scottish Homes land , then the owner have to pay for this service .
13 Bread sales have increased for this kind of loaf .
14 If you add that to the er problems that the government has created for this County , as with other County Councils , then the two things make it quite impossible for us to continue with a capital programme as we would like .
15 The government has paid for this by printing money , fresh austral notes , smelling cleanly of half-dried ink , and borrowing on the domestic market in amounts that raise interest rates sharply , drain the market of productive capital and swell the rate of inflation .
16 It is what the whole nation has worked for this last few years . ’
17 For a year , birthday preparation committees throughout the nation have toiled for this moment .
18 With his customary ruthlessness Tethlis had planned for this .
19 Internal referent power links one to the internally more powerful ( e.g. chief executive ) ; external referent power links to external ( e.g. ‘ The prime minister has asked for this ’ ) .
20 The appeal of what I have called the ‘ humanist paradigm ’ lies , I think , in the way it can seem to conceptualise the need women have experienced for this greater degree of autonomy and control , for overcoming the fragmentation and contradictions in their lives , and for a capacity for self-definition .
21 With the DES having to settle for this , and with the Diploma being seen in higher education as merely equivalent to the first two years of a degree programme , it became not an alternative track in higher education , but an ambiguous poor relation to the degree .
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