Example sentences of "[noun] in [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As the major ratepayer in the parish a large landowner therefore had a strong incentive to limit and even — as early mechanization progressed — diminish his housing stock so that any surplus labour force did not reside locally ; hence the closed character of such villages .
2 Ashton 's design for Pepe , the dog , in The Wedding Bouquet was bettered when he created the Town and Bad Mice , Pigling Bland and the other animals in the film The Tales of Beatrix Potter .
3 Not only does one wonder what embarrassment might have occurred to warrant it but the propriety in not claiming the Ladies ' door and leading to a lavatory in the way the men 's clearly does , is a reminder of the delicacy of those times .
4 Are soaps in a sense the subconscious of patriarchy — where patriarchy is reflecting on itself via these various problematic issues which are unresolvable within the terms that patriarchy sets ?
5 For example , when troubles blew up at the Heath Town Estate in the Midlands they were immediately compared with Broadwater Farm and the place labelled a ghetto in the way the media treated the incident .
6 An old tramp was sitting on a rustic seat in the sunshine a few yards away , and she saw him toss an envelope on to the grass .
7 This sprang from the arrest of a middle-aged black woman , Rosa Parks , who had refused to give up her seat in the section the bus reserved for whites .
8 He knew that he was the winner because he saw his photograph in the newspaper the next day .
9 She was able to act as a reconciling agent in a way no one could ever have foreseen .
10 Like sleep-walkers in a dream the coolies began advancing out of the shade towards the ship .
11 We turned our heads in the direction the Brigadier is pointing and see a Commando about a hundred-and-fifty yards away towards the end of the orchard and almost obscured by the trees , making his way slowly in the direction of Scouse 's latrine .
12 He ordered a cup of tea and a bacon sandwich in the cafe a few doors down and sank his weary limbs down to wait , revelling in his first cigarette of the day .
13 I ca n't remember now , I know I 've had a go to have a look at them to see how , to see exactly how , cos what I thought , what I thought I was gon na do was , I did n't like the furniture of the , of the speakers and when I was keeping that system I was gon na remount the speakers in the box a bit more you know decorative
14 Although Mr Kinnock and leading party figures have publicly backed moves towards one member , one vote in the party the annual conference is not due to discuss the issue until 1991 .
15 two cars in a circle a black and a red one
16 I did n't know anything about it you see and all of a sudden there 's two big black cars in the road the other day
17 Although Marian and Allen had not passed north of the Swamp in the night the Leader thought it probable that they might try to do so during the day .
18 An acceptable formula will probably be expected to make each school 's ‘ budget share ’ depend mainly on the numbers of pupils in the school , but also to take into account such factors as the ages of the children , the subjects they are studying , and the numbers with special needs ; and also perhaps the levels of social advantage and disadvantage in the community the school serves .
19 To catch a frisky horse or a young colt in a field the horseman placed a little of the mixture of oil of origanum , oil of rosemary , oil of cinnamon , and oil of fennel about his person .
20 Yes , there is a ski garderie in Verbier ; unfortunately it is in the centre of the village , and since there was no snow in the village the Mini Champion Club was closed from January for the rest of the season .
21 For if that sudden drift of snow in the air a few minutes ago had seemed romantic to the young bride — or the bride 's mother — it had not in any way pleased Cara .
22 So Gough , who had a brilliant European Championship , has to sit on the bench with Roxburgh and sweat it out against Portugal in a match the Scots have to win .
23 Several towers were capped by domes in the shape the Mughals had brought with them from Persia and Central Asia .
24 ( v ) On the set of all triangles in the plane the relationships of similarity and of congruence are equivalence relations .
25 The style and method of management matter less than the question of whether the headteacher can collaborate with other schools and is prepared to make adjustments and concessions in the way the school is run in order to allow better pooling of time , staff or other resources .
26 At the same time , the Ulster Farmers ' Union was in Brussels to seek answers about the Commission 's decision to break its own rules by refusing meat-traders in the province the chance to submit an intervention tender in late August .
27 In less than a second it would tear a gap in the highway the width of the riverbed .
28 Boost for new homes in the North-East A £94m. cash boost will result in more than 2,000 new homes being built in the North-East over the next 12 months .
29 Karen Bage and Eileen Boynes have been named sales negotiators of the month for Shepherd Homes in the North-East the second time in a year the team at the Beckfields Walk development at Ingleby Barwick , near Thornaby , has won the award .
30 3.1 Subject to Clause 4 , grants to during the term in the Territory the following non-exclusive licenses .
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