Example sentences of "[noun] in [pron] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 At the same time we can relish the days more and more , and search in their interstices for the hidden treasures and thus our lives may become the supreme adventure and treasure hunt of the transcendent .
2 The US State Department in its preparations for Bermuda reiterated the interesting claim that the two powers in combination , both in Europe and the Middle East , formed a " more persuasive combination " than the United States alone .
3 He was undoubtedly a pioneer in his specifications for county maps and initiated the eighteenth-century remapping of England on large scales .
4 When he was looking to expand with another concept , he looked at the labels in his shops for something with a distinctive yet commercial image and decided on this French casualwear label .
5 Hank still has one and there 's an ad in your classifieds for a new CD featuring Jet playing the Bass VI …
6 A troubadour once sang of her that if he possessed the whole world he would sacrifice it to hold the Queen of England in his arms for just one night . ’
7 The zooxanthellae benefit their coral hosts which are able to use the supply of oxygen in their tissues for respiration and there is ample evidence to suggest that a proportion of the carbohydrates produced are absorbed by the corals as food .
8 My hands got very cold too , but my mother helped me every morning by baking two potatoes in their skins for me to keep in my pockets ; they retained their heat for quite a long time .
9 The Occupational Pensions Board gave examples of circumstances in which applications for orders for pension fund surpluses to be reduced or eliminated had been turned down , as part of new guidance on how to make applications .
10 When the government set up Local Enterprise Companies as an important tool for economic development there was no place in their plans for trade union representation .
11 Many teachers make a place in their classes for work of this nature , since once the benefits have been experienced , most class members enjoy it and want more .
12 Believe me , we all had a warm place in our hearts for Sidney .
13 The Phoenicians , and in particular the Carthaginians , are still given pride of place in our handbooks for their institutions and their colonization because the Greeks recognized themselves in such things .
14 Around 400 people who have been treated for melanoma ( skin cancer ) will be asked to keep a radon-measuring device in their homes for a year as part of a £13,000 Bristol University project .
15 The Bishop 's secretary was small and sleek like a mole , with padded compartments in his clothes for the precious books he carried with him everywhere — an accounting book and a psalter .
16 During a period in which jobs for some specialists are difficult to find , opportunities for trained statisticians remain good .
17 Chief executive Geoffrey Key said : ‘ We have great confidence in our proposals for north Sunderland .
18 The Governor even went further by paraphrasing the Bible in his urgings for the bill 's passage : ‘ He that doeth nothing is damned , and I do n't want to be damned . ’
19 But the parishes , and the parish missions , were central to the care of souls ; and their ministers ought always to be refreshing themselves in the truths of the Christian faith , so that they do not slip ‘ into versions of it which miss its height and depth and wonder ’ ; and those ministers ought always to make room in their lives for silence and the chance of realizing their nearness to eternity .
20 It should be possible for clergy and teachers to ensure both that churches include some of the school 's repertoire in their own , and that schools make room in their assemblies for some traditional hymns .
21 I began to realize how inadequate my picture of Laura was ; that I had made no room in my thoughts for an independent life of her own , let alone one as earthed and pragmatic as the potter 's craft .
22 Jim says we 'll get an electric one because you do n't want a new thing sitting in there and erm it sits in the corner cos I have no room in my units for it .
23 A couple of other changes over the closed season ; firstly the scare over Hans Neilson , I think Oxford erm Oxford Cheetahs fans had their hearts in their mouths for about erm a month or so ?
24 He sat holding his head in his hands for half an hour , but after that he stood up and just got on with it .
25 I sat with my head in my hands for a while , then I went over to my desk and took out a small framed photograph of Anne and myself which I always hid before she arrived .
26 Castle Communications ( the audio and video group ) has introduced a number of accounting policy changes in its accounts for the year ended 30 June 1992 .
27 If any of you attacks your brother from now on , if not ordered to do so by a superior , that attacker will be enslaved and used for chirurgical experiments in our laboratories for as long as he lives .
28 She looked at these objects in my hands for some time and then raised her eyes to my face .
29 Beaverton , Oregon-based Sequent Computer Systems Inc says the rise in its profits for the year to January 2 1993 is a result of company restructuring , and a re-focus on high-end business .
30 Whilst it may be desirable , for the reasons discussed above , for a business to make detailed provision in its contracts for contingencies which may arise , it will generally be impossible to negotiate separate contracts for each transaction .
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