Example sentences of "[noun] and many [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At the beginning of his next speech , after Sirith 's defensive demurral , he has to be more specific , and perhaps more generous : ( " I will give you a mighty gift , many a pound and many a mark , warm clothing and warm shoes . " )
2 It was one of the worst years ever for the construction industry and many a card this Christmas carried a message that 1992 was a good year to see the back of and the hope that in 1993 things may start to look brighter .
3 This is often far from the case and many a combination has come to grief at the very last fence .
4 The compensatory factor was that old-school professionals did not usually have their own transport and many a signature was cajoled out of them on their way to nearest railway station or tram or bus stop .
5 The who 's who of the business world is in town this week and many a deal will be struck between races .
6 Once a valuable and historic site , Alghero has witnessed much upheaval and many a conflict .
7 Some were suffering from post-parturition melancholy , some from the effects of withdrawal from Valium ; many were single mothers and many the victims of spouse or ‘ partner ’ abuse .
8 Foxes have thick pelts and many a fox has died from gangrene caused by shotgun pellets ; again a slow and agonising death .
9 And I had to get a box and many a time I 've fallen on my back from that so Cos somebody had moved the boxes I think .
10 Hopefully , however , the Full Moon in Aries on the 14th will bring this dreary little phase or cycle to an end and many a Leo will be moving in , moving out and putting down new roots elsewhere .
11 Boats and windsurfers cut through the ripples , children laugh in the shallows and many a head turning tan has been collected on the beaches .
12 That 's right and put your paddle in that and you scull you had to come down every time and many a time people 'd learn that that paddle will come out , but once you got the knack of it you could do it one hand , cos you was cutting down all the time like that 's what it was .
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