Example sentences of "[noun] and by a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The leaders and the activists were no doubt also motivated by personal ambition and by a jealous regard for their own organizations but , at various crisis points , many were willing to subordinate their own ambitions to the greater goal of ‘ saving Ulster ’ .
2 Work in this field was for many years hampered by a lack of techniques sufficiently sensitive to detect changes in the solutions under study and by a rigid and over-simplified view of the nature of solutions .
3 The Opojaz group , as its full title implies ( The Society for the Study of Poetic Language ) consisted of students of literature who were united both by a dissatisfaction with existing forms of literary study and by a positive interest in the poetry of the Russian Futurists .
4 Markets that were kept apart by government barriers , by blockages to information or by differing perceptions of a borrower 's creditworthiness have been bridged by free flows , by computers and by a vast new trade in the swapping of debt .
5 A large part of its small area is taken up by the grounds of The Crystal Palace and by a residential school .
6 His essays , poems in rhyming couplets , and sonnets are a powerful contribution to meditative writing in Welsh , marked both by a searching and courageous intelligence and by a superb mastery of his native language .
7 They will have to find the right balance between rule by unwieldy committee and by a chosen few ( or fewer , as at Clifford Chance , which has a partners ' council but where power , in practice , largely rests with the managing partner ) .
8 The range is accompanied by a Blender Pen of colourless fluid that may be used to soften colours into graduated effects and by a Blank Pen Kit that enables you to make a marker carrying a colour of your own choice .
9 An intermediate floor was inserted in the adjoining transept to form a small communal lounge linked to the first-floor corridor by a balcony crossing the chancel and by a small staircase to the ground floor ( Fig 44 ) .
10 When it acquired the painting for the sum of FFr5 million ( £511,000 ; $889,000 ) the Louvre acted in good faith following guarantees given by Christie 's lawyer Paul Lombard and by a Swiss notary .
11 A major lawsuit arose over part of the mineral area jointly owned by Bayly and by a lesser gentry family , whose entail devolved on the Revd Edward Hughes 's infant son ( later first Baron Dinorben ) .
12 La Brant established a range of general findings not seriously challenged since ; namely , that development in writing was evidenced by an increase in the proportion of dependent to independent clauses , by the gross length of the writing ( the number of words ) , by an increase in average length of sentence and by a growing complexity of sentence structure .
13 Suitable fair warranties and indemnities will be granted for taxation and other specific matters and will be limited in aggregate amount , time of liability and by a minimum aggregate amount before any claim can be made .
14 I had taken with me my copy of Pascal 's Pensées and by a nice irony came upon a passage which echoed the motto for the ‘ new thinking ’ of János Kádár :
15 Chancellor Helmut Kohl is said by aides to favour stronger backing for the allies but feels constrained by empty coffers and by a constitutional provision which arguably bans the use of German forces outside the NATO area .
16 When the Secretary of State sees the Republican representatives again , will he put to them the revulsion that was felt by the Unionist community and by a large section of the Roman Catholic community in Northern Ireland when Mr. Haughey attempted to foist into the Anglo-Irish Conference a new Minister for Defence ?
17 Over a ten year period , drink related road traffic deaths fell by over 60 per cent in the UK and by a similar percentage in Germany .
18 This expanding ( though by no means unambiguous ) sense of common humanity is encouraged by the rapidity and intensity of modern communications and by a growing awareness that mankind as a whole may face extinction unless some more harmonious and rational adjustment can be achieved between the world 's rapidly growing population and its dwindling natural resources .
19 The principle of ‘ dual control ’ ( by the public authority and by a voluntary body ) was extended for the first time to secondary schools .
20 I thoroughly agree with my hon. Friend that peace in Northern Ireland will be hastened by a healthy economy and by a well-trained work force .
21 In addition to bankruptcy proceedings , Bond was also due to face criminal charges in Perth and was currently the subject of an investigation by the Australian Securities Commission and by a Royal Commission into alleged corruption in Western Australia .
22 Next season they 'll be augmented by teetotal Aussie pro Gavin Corcoran said to spend on the bandit what he saves on the beer and by a new scorebox built by hirsute skipper Colin ‘ Winker ’ Watson and resembling the leaning tower of Kimblesworth .
23 obtained control and by a special resolution on 3 August 1904 , the name of the Company was changed to the ‘ South Metropolitan Electric Tramways and Lighting Company Limited ’ , the longest name of any tramway undertaking in the London area .
24 The Labour government will work in the United Nations for a strengthened nuclear non-proliferation treaty , backed by meaningful sanctions and by a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty .
25 Herbert 's eccentricity was to dress as a tramp , and his appearance was further affected by his blindness and by a piebald hair coloration , after an early attack of alopecia .
26 This was accompanied by a desire to relate the feelings and their object to the wider issues of life and by a growing resentment of philology as currently practised .
27 On Sept. 14 it was reported that Pakistan was seeking $500 million from several Western governments to help offset the $1,000 million in additional costs caused by the loss of remittances from Pakistani workers in Kuwait and Iraq and by a rising oil bill .
28 History is a discontinuous set composed of domains of history , each of which is defined by a characteristic frequency and by a differential coding of before and after .
29 He was accompanied by another , taller man and by a sturdy WPC with dyed blonde hair .
30 This initiative will be led by the Department of Health and Community Care and by a new Cabinet committee that will cut through departmental boundaries .
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