Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] so [conj] " in BNC.

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1 They should be carefully lifted in clumps , teased apart , and then pricked out into conventional plastic trays and submerged so that the compost is about 2.5 cm ( 1 in ) beneath the surface of the water .
2 If we try to shoe or float a horse , and it decides to be uncooperative , and we retaliate with force and anger so that the horse becomes anxious and fearful ; the horse will remember that such a situation terrified it .
3 What action is the Department taking to seek compensation and redress so that the overshipments in 1991 and this year are stopped forthwith ?
4 I feel we need a poet to tell of the contribution made to our Christian Aid Week by those who stay at home and bake so that the baking stall can be kept so magnificently supplied every day .
5 In some of his tracts he is outspokenly hostile to philosophy as mother of heresy , strident in his insistence that for a true believer everything is decided by the authority of the apostolic rule of faith and scripture so that further enquiries are superfluous .
6 If the all-provident mother of the hunter-gatherer societies had been lost with the coming of agriculture and weaning so that a divine substitute had had to be found in heaven in the shape of the mother-goddess , then eventually a real , human substitute had been found on earth in the person of the all-powerful emperor or king whose granaries could supply in reality what the opulent breasts of the divine mother promised in phantasy — namely , reassurance against oral anxiety and the fear of hunger .
7 I hit the door handle and did a dip and shuffle so that my head was below the knife slash arc and made an undignified but unscathed exit , taking the keys with me .
8 In every society human beings come together in groups and subgroups so that their social and physical environment can be modified to improve the quality of life ( in food , shelter and leisure ) .
9 The spectrum he detected signalled the presence of a new molecular species , tight had caused the parent molecule to lose its two hydrogen atoms and rearrange so that the two carbon rings sandwiched the tungsten atom .
10 After a year at training college to qualify as a teacher , he had two years at a comprehensive school in St Neots , Hunts. , but he wanted to achieve much more as a music teacher and did so when he became assistant director at Sevenoaks .
11 Their relation is far closer than the arbitrary link between signifier and signified so that in some contexts ( irony or double entendre for example ) connotative meanings are part and parcel of the denoted meaning .
12 The overriding concern of the populists , however , was to free the peasantry from poverty and to do so before Russia had irrevocably embarked upon capitalist development in agriculture and industry .
13 But , of course , the £50 deposit , at a time when the annual wage was less than £500 , was a powerful deterrent to all but the wealthiest families and remained so until the Baldwin Fund agreed to put up the money for children without guarantors or for foster parents who could not afford to pay .
14 And he threw back his head and laughed so that his whole chest shook .
15 Fluka Glossop is in continual contact with Fluka Buchs by computer , phone and fax so that immediate information is available on stock levels , plus a rapid-access service to the full technical expertise of one of Europe 's major chemical manufacturing organisation .
16 At each end of the centre or top of the stetch he placed a hazel-stick , taken from the hedge and peeled so that the white pith acted as a sight for drawing his first furrow .
17 I asked for names and addresses so that I might pass on details to the police .
18 92 per cent of students provided their names and addresses so that they might be contacted for a follow-up postal survey planned for Spring 1985 ( 571 students ) .
19 Later in the twelfth century Vladimir became the capital and leading city of the area and continued so until it succumbed to the Tartars .
20 Such a list may quite simply be typed out on sheets of paper and duplicated so that additions and changes may be made until the list has to be retyped for clarity 's sake .
21 Then he executed a half-somersault and twisted so that when he had stabilised he was level with Rostov , but inverted .
22 Det Sgt Stimpson said : ‘ She searches him every time he comes home or goes out , and she keeps his bedroom bare of the usual toys and clutter so that she can see at a glance whether he has hidden any stolen property . ’
23 The new journal will encourage the publication of the essential information on screening performance and costs so that rational decisions can be made on screening practice .
24 where a special area in one housing estate has been set aside for problem families , where they are given daily supervision combined with training and instruction designed to teach them the elements of home craft and mothercraft so that in due course , when they have proved they can manage their affairs , domestic , financial or otherwise , they can return to a better house in a more desirable neighbourhood .
25 This is a deliberate training strategy that is used in the clinic and observed so that the parent learns how to do it at home .
26 Such tasks may have been stated so that they are open to interpretation and worded so that they are accessible to most pupils , rather than aimed at a notional difficulty level .
27 There seems general agreement that the mind does not work like a camera , faithfully recording everything in front of its lens , for apart from the discrimination of sensations and the filtering out of some of them , the information that is passed on undergoes considerable re-organisation and change so that there is always a discrepancy between the sensory input and what is perceived .
28 Once the basic structure fur a story ballet has been created , the choreographer must find ways of linking the beginning , climax and end so that the plot develops easily from one scene to the next .
29 In every enchaînement each step an/or pose must be given its appropriate value by way of beginning , climax and end so that its place is justified by its importance to the whole sentence .
30 He nodded avidly in affirmation of his train of thought and turned so that the light fell directly on the front of his body .
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