Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Emelia Kanthack commented that she ‘ always approached my East End patients with my very best manners and extended the same little courteous considerations to them that I would have served towards a lady ’ .
2 She pulled hard on the wheel and took the left fork .
3 A young lad hopped from car to car taking their money , lights sparked and flashed above them and as the cars began to move Belinda 's laugh could be heard above the music while Rachel thought Danny would explode with pride as he took the wheel and manoeuvred the little car round the track .
4 Curtis settled himself behind the wheel and laid the empty can on the passenger seat .
5 Wycliffe tried to concentrate on the Wheel and to ignore the veritable forest of giant rock pinnacles with which they were surrounded .
6 He flicks the wheel and slides the front wheels .
7 By the time the truck had stopped , Leo was under its offside wheel and starting the long , complicated journey to the spirit world .
8 Only thirty yards or so separated them , when Curtis saw the Prophet lift a hand from the steering wheel and knock the rear-view mirror out of alignment to avoid being blinded by the glare .
9 Activated lipocytes ( myofibroblasts ) are also the major source of the interstitial collagens ( type I and III ) which are produced in excess during liver fibrosis and cirrhosis and replace the normal basement membrane matrix .
10 ‘ Young workers have to take most of the risks and face the unrestricted and poor employment protection of adult workers , but get few of the benefits as most have no recourse to social protection when employment or training places are not available to them , ’ the report says .
11 ‘ Young workers have to take most of the risks and face the unrestricted and poor employment protection of adult workers , but get few of the benefits ’
12 We will continue federal funding for the arts and promote the full diversity of American culture , recognising the importance of providing all Americans with access to the arts .
13 The training grounds and living quarters of the gladiators ( Caserma dei Gladiatori ) are extensive at Pompeii and adjoin the large theatre ( 148 ) .
14 Brian Laban dons his chest wig and flexes the huge muscles of Britain 's ultimate sports cars
15 Another consequence was that the TUC was forced to push through its reorganization and to form the General Council , an alternative to its Parliamentary Committee , as its executive body .
16 All thirteen LEAs in the region served by the District were represented on the Council together with the University , the WEA , the YMCA and the Educational Settlements Association and formed the first consultative body of its kind in the country .
17 Members are all recognised by the Royal Yachting Association and use the latest technology combined with traditional skills to help students achieve their aim .
18 She brushes my hair behind my ears and holds the top bit to one side .
19 She was born of noble stock and loved the old genteel way of life , and the people of the village loved her .
20 The cattle of Belgium owe much to Dutch and British breeds , particularly the Friesian types and the Shorthorn , which were used to improve local stock and create the national Belgian breeds , the most famous of which today must be the double-muscled Belgian Blue .
21 It would improve the housing stock and decrease the future need for renovation and repair .
22 His dying brain barely had time to process the fading image of his killer and recognise the black-clad form with the glowing eyes as the Prophet , before its circuits closed down permanently .
23 Norman said that his day-dream was ‘ to walk up to any computer , plug in the card and have the terminal look and act like the one at home . ’
24 As a patient bandaged from head to foot , Crawford had to deliver only one line , but he forgot it , lifted the bed sheet to look down at a prompt card and uttered the immortal words , ‘ Have you seen this , nurse ? ’
25 The MP added : ‘ I 'm calling on Saville 's to withdraw as quickly as possible from the deal and allow the local authorities to acquire the land .
26 It is the process of trying to persuade by substituting power for reason — the power being the ability to walk away from the deal and leave the other person stranded , the power to give the other person less than required — and sometimes nothing .
27 If you 're seriously tempted by a ‘ never-to-be-repeated ’ offer , take the advice of the KSA and check the small print .
28 Encouraged by the finding of this tiny coin , I turned my attention to the second side of the pond and began the same operation along its full length .
29 A 23-year-old Glaswegian based in London , the wiry southpaw with the swarming style was voted boxer of the year last season , when he travelled to Las Vegas and beat the Mexican Javier Suazo for the IBF International championship for boxers ranked between No.10 and No.30 in the world .
30 Throwing it over him , they finally managed to grab hold of his legs and stop the uncontrollable bouncing .
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