Example sentences of "[noun] and [noun] [v-ing] for " in BNC.

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1 This was the beginning of a close association and collaboration lasting for twenty-five years , interrupted only by Bulleid 's war service from 1915 to 1919 , when he was involved mainly in the operation of military railways serving ammunition dumps near the front in France .
3 The paring of hooker and tight-head going for the opponents ' ball is a great skill which will serve them well in the adult game .
4 It was always going to be a tough qualifying group with Italy , Portugal and Scotland fighting for the two places .
5 Higher education is also expected to rely more heavily on private sources of finance with polytechnics and universities competing for commercial , foundation and research council contracts and building up relationships with industry through consultancy and science parks .
6 Since then , their differences on economic reform have become apparent , with Klaus leading the monetarists and Komarek arguing for a more Keynesian approach .
7 Some people stood up to make speeches and there were rallies and demonstrations calling for greater freedoms and human rights over the winter months .
8 He looked on the national position , and his own part therein , differently from others , his blood and background accounting for that .
9 He could just see boxes , litter blowing in the wind and rats scavenging for food .
10 In the ILEA ( which published much more detailed statistics on special education than central government or other LEAs ) , boys were in the majority in schools and units catering for every type of special need .
11 We have asked the Commission for greater consistency in labelling and colour coding for the beef , and we have told Moscow that it is vital that the meat is released on to the market straight .
12 He job will be to give the Pavillion a higher profile among local companies and organisations looking for conferences and events .
13 The protocol would have banned mining and mineral prospecting for 50 years , remaining in force afterwards unless overruled by a majority of the 26 treaty nations .
14 Our new argument for the political virtues of conventionalism uses these distinctions to show why the line this theory draws between cases decided by law and cases calling for judicial legislation strikes the right balance between predictability and flexibility .
15 Douglas Connell of the Edinburgh solicitors Dundas and Wilson acting for Lord Minto , comments : ‘ The name of the Japanese consortium involved with Minto can not be disclosed , at their request .
16 The following year , after an excellent May and June playing for David Waterlane , Drew felt he ought to put something back into the game .
17 There it is also argued that it is from the legislation of emancipation onwards that the tensions and forces making for conflict grow significantly stronger than the cohesive factors sustaining antislavery culture .
18 The rest of the sale items were a mixture of paintings , clothing , models and medals reflected the state of the market at the moment with a pair each of metal desk-top models of Mosquito and Hampden going for £130 and £70 respectively .
19 For a time Ealing was as closely in touch with the hopes and frustrations of post-war audiences as were the directors and writers working for Rank 's Independent Producers .
20 In his early days at the Bar he supported himself with such kindred activities as washing up at Lyons and libel reading for the News of the World .
21 One report will suffice for July and August making for 11 Reports per year .
22 His parents and doctors caring for him in hospital faced lengthy court battles before winning the go-ahead from Law Lords to have his feeding tube disconnected earlier this year .
23 A bilateral deal was also agreed between Germany and Russia providing for Russian counter-guarantees , enabling the German export credit agency Hermes to resume credit guarantees for German exporters .
24 Staff had spent most of Friday afternoon and evening looking for the child and the owner , Alan Tym , had gone back again late that night to double check that James had not crawled behind a counter or into a cupboard and fallen asleep .
25 BY MARCH 1789 Mozart had become accustomed to sending regular letters to his fellow-Masons and publishers asking for loans .
26 The A-300 Airbus was carrying 167 passengers and crew — including many British climbers and trekkers heading for Nepal 's magnificent peaks .
27 ‘ For two years me and my sons walked along the towpath and park searching for a zip or the buckle of Brian 's belt , anything that would help . ’
28 Furious Geet FM bosses have organised huge public meetings and demonstrations calling for it to be allowed to remain on the air .
29 We then have Mel , Kelly and Jobson fighting for 1 place .
30 Director of OEM and technology licensing for IBM 's advanced workstations and systems division , Lucian Bifano said ‘ Since the [ PowerPC ] agreement with Motorola and Apple 18 months ago , we speculated on who would be the first to market with a product ; we certainly did not expect it to come four months after our October announcement of the first silicon ’ .
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