Example sentences of "[noun] and [adv prt] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After all , up the lads and down the hatch .
2 The Doctor and Ace pounded breathlessly through the grotto and down the tunnel after Mait .
3 Hats were flung into the air , the cheering reached higher and higher levels , and Dawn Run and Jonjo O'Neill were engulfed as they came back past the stands and up the walkway to the unsaddling enclosure in the parade ring .
4 He seemed to sense her mood , drawing back a little as they went through the forward lock and up the cockpit steps .
5 ‘ Sir John , ’ Athelstan persisted , ‘ it 's not far — a few miles through Aldgate and down the Mile End Road .
6 Oil your hands a little more generously this time and slide them over the shoulders and up the back of the neck .
7 For some unknown reason prickles sprang up all over her shoulders and down the length of both arms .
8 She had decided it ought n't to be too difficult to slip into the stables and up the ladder first , but this time she did n't even reach the water pail .
9 Water comes through the roof seams through the windscreen frame and can even come around the rear vents and down the roof side rails to fall on the driver 's knee when braking .
10 The French Commando has been wounded in the thigh , the bullet passing in one side and out the other .
11 Rain firehosing in one side and out the other .
12 He deliberately pushed his chair so that it fell over , walked down the stage steps and up the gangway of the auditorium .
13 The Dawsons themselves had enthusiastically helped to heave it over a rut and up the slope to the garage .
14 He wrote : ‘ It is like a vast supermarket in which absentmindedly , yet intent on what we are doing , we push our shopping trolleys up one aisle and down the other , while death and alienation have the run of the place . ’
15 His blue shirt , open at the neck and showing a mat of black hair , was wet with sweat in the armpits and down the back .
16 She did n't go out drinking or dancing ; she did n't do as one mother she 'd known ( in a story of maternal neglect that I remember feeling was over the top at the time ) and tie a piece of string round my big toe , dangle it through the window and down the front of the house , so that the drunken mother , returning from her carousing , could tug at it , wake the child , get the front door opened and send it down the shop for a basin of pie and peas .
17 On the one hand they must move along the lines and down the page ; on the other they must be still if you are to read a word .
18 The audience flowed in behind as Argyll and his tall , rawboned wife dragged Elizabeth , screaming , swearing , fighting every step , out of the hall and up the stair to the empty guest room next to his own .
19 It would have a job flattening that boisterous family , thought Joe as he carried the young woman through the passage and up the flight of stairs to the first floor .
20 She slowed and turned right crossing the Chemin de BelleFontaine and down the Route de la Capite , upwards off the main highway and into the Chemin Faguillon .
21 in their black nets and down the mountainside
22 IBM Corp 's IBM Personal Computer Co has added two members in the IBM Speech Recognition Family , VoiceType Control for Windows and VoiceType 2 : VoiceType Control for Windows offers customers with an 80386SX processor and up the ability to manipulate the Windows 3.1 environment and existing Windows 3.1 applications with spoken commands such as File Save , Font Bold and Next Window ; VoiceType Control for Windows costs $130 , works with Sound Blaster audio boards , and is speaker-independent ; VoiceType 2 is designed for general dictation and input to MS-DOS applications , and enables users to continue to control their existing applications , such as word processing , databases or spreadsheet , simply by talking ; it comes ready to use with ‘ many popular software products such as Quicken , WordPerfect 5.1 , dBase and more ’ , and users can add their own commands ; VoiceType 2 , with the IBM M-Audio Capture and Playback Adaptor , runs on 80386SX and above personal computers and automatically adapts to a speaker 's unique voice pattern and allows for accents and other individual speech characteristics ; it costs $2,200 and will be available in late May .
23 Flames melted a lead pipe and ignited leaking gas causing the fire to spread along the passageway and up the stairwell to the second floor .
24 Presumably they pick up the pinta and down the sherry and beer as well , not to mention making it look as if the reindeers have had a go at the carrots .
25 A wave of hot air rushed around the fleeing Karnstein and down the tunnel .
26 They walked back through the kitchen and down the hallway to the front entrance of the house .
27 From Scotland Yard , Nigel Cramer and six officers set off in two patrol cars , their sirens howling up Whitehall and down the Mall to pick up Park Lane and the road north out of London .
28 I am sure they had the pious hope that this foundation would actually serve to increase the nation 's general fitness by pumping money into sport , but if the money is to go on improving facilities at cricket clubs and down the country , then a large number of cricketers who rely on lousy playing conditions for their place in the side will be forced into retirement .
29 She went along the landing and down the staircase , still in a waking dream , crossing the hall and seeing Penman there , waiting to open the drawing-room door for her , as if it was someone she was watching perform , not herself but another being altogether .
30 And his breath too was warm against her cheek and down the back of her neck , making her spine tingle .
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